  • 學位論文


Investigation of Occupational Fatigue and Musculoskeletal Disorders in Preschool Teachers

指導教授 : 林彥輝


幼兒園教保服務人員之工作時間長且經常以彎腰、蹲跪等不良姿勢工作及照顧幼童,因而造成嚴重的肌肉骨骼傷害。因此,本研究擬調查教保服務人員之職場疲勞與肌肉骨骼危害現況及相關性,進而提供合適之職場健康促進建議以減輕幼兒園教保服務人員之健康危害。 本研究包括兩部份,第一階段為參考國內外文獻,以中文版職場疲勞量表及北歐肌肉骨骼症狀問卷(NMQ)為基礎,填寫人數為468份,回收有效樣本數共計454份,有效率為97%, 進行454份教保服務人員職場疲勞與肌肉骨骼危害調查;第二階段為研究者工作所在的幼兒園中方便取樣10位教保服務人員進行半結構式訪談並實際量測其工作空間尺寸,探討是否因長時間教學及照顧幼童造成工作疲勞與肌肉骨骼不適之現況,問卷資料採描述性統計與變項間之單因子變異數進行分析;訪談的資料轉譯成逐字稿進行分類編碼,觀察環境設備及工作姿勢透過文字描述及影像紀錄,實際使用皮尺量測教室桌椅高度與洗手台高度。 研究結果發現,教保服務人員工時長短及有無運動習慣與「個人疲勞」具顯著差異(P=0.000、P=0.046)﹔年齡、工時長短及BMI值與「工作疲勞」上具顯著差異(P=.048、P=0.000、P=.030)﹔不同工作職位、BMI值與「服務對象之疲勞感」上具顯著差異(P=0.029、P=0.017); 不同婚姻狀況、學校類型及服務總年資與「工作過度投入」上具有顯著差異(P=0.032、P=0.004、P=0.002)。進行訪談並實際量測教保服務人員之工作姿勢及環境後,發現因幼童與教保服務人員身高上的差異,教保服務人員需經常性的保持彎腰及跪蹲的靜態姿勢,造成高比例的肌肉骨骼不適/中等痛、劇痛、非常疼痛及極度疼痛(>40%),且因照顧幼童人數偏高,管理課堂秩序時,常需使用較大分貝講話,導致教保服務人員喉部聲帶不適之比例高(佔56.6%)。 本研究探討教保服務人員職場疲勞及肌肉骨骼不適之現況,透過問卷調查與實地工作環境調查,將可提供教育單位與幼兒園管理者改善教保服務人員職場疲勞與肌肉骨骼危害之參考。


Preschool teachers working for long operating time bend the waist frequently, squat down and keep the poor posture, so they experience the musculoskeletal disorder. Therefore, this study purpose is to investigate the relationship between the work burnout and the musculoskeletal disorder situation among the preschool teachers in Taiwan. Furthermore, its finding is expected to reduce the risk factors for the preschool teachers’ health by providing the applicable projects on the improvement in their health. This research included two stages. At the first stage, we distributed 468 questionnaires in total but collected 454 of them in return based on the Chinese version of an occupational burnout inventory and the Nordic Musculoskeletal Questionnaire (NMQ). The response rate is 97%. At the second stage, the convenience sampling was applied to the 10 preschool teachers by interviewing and measuring their working space to explore the impacts of the work-related burnout resulting from long term teaching and caring on the musculoskeletal disorder. We applied the descriptive statistic, relevant analysis, and the variance. All the interviews were recorded by using a voice recorder and were transcribed verbatim to understand the working experiences of the preschool teachers. There were four significant results here. First, the preschool teacher’s personal burnout was significantly associated with the working hours and sport habits(P=0.000、P=0.046). Second, the age, working hour and BMI (P=.048、P=0.000、P =.030) had a significantly associated work-related burnout. Third, the different job positions and BMI (P=0.029、P=0.017) were the predictive factors of the client-related burnout. Finally, the marital status, school type and seniority(P=0.032、P=0.004、P=0.002) were meaningful predictors of the over-commitment. Besides, based on the interviews and the measures, the result showed that because preschool teachers were taller than children, they had a high proportion of the musculoskeletal discomfort/moderate pain, severe pain, very pain and extreme pain (>40%) by bending the waist frequently, squatting down and keeping poor posture. Also, preschool teachers needed to speak louder when managing a lot of young children in the classroom, so 56.6% of them frequently suffered from the associated throat discomfort. This study investigated the work burnout and the musculoskeletal disorder situation among preschool teachers. Through the questionnaire surveys and environment observation, it will supply the improvement strategies for the educational units.


陳韻如、廖鳳瑞(2015)‧幼教保工作之女性化與低酬庸現象‧臺灣教育評論月刊,4(4) ,136-139.
