  • 學位論文


Spanish colonial fortification in the Philippines: A case study of the Fort Santiago

指導教授 : 林會承


聖地牙哥堡是大航海時期西班牙在菲律賓設立非常重要的防禦城堡,因為當時西班牙選擇以馬尼拉作為亞洲的殖民總部,並以馬尼拉大帆船的航行路線連結了亞洲、美洲與歐洲的貿易,因此在菲律賓馬尼拉灣建立了殖民首都王城「Intramuros」,而護衛王城的「聖地牙哥堡」(Fort Santiago)是西班牙殖民時期在亞洲極重要,也是少數保存完整的城堡。 選擇「聖地牙哥堡」為案例研究是因菲律賓與臺灣在地理位置上,同處歐亞重要交通樞紐,西班牙在大航海時期都曾選擇兩地作為殖民據點,原因為馬尼拉與基隆和平島之間有某些相近之處。雖然西人在台的建築遺留已不復見,希望藉由探討馬尼拉「聖地牙哥堡」的特殊防禦性建築形式後,對當時西班牙佔領北臺灣17年(1626 - 1642)所建的防禦性建築如基隆的San Salvador堡及淡水紅毛城等,能有更多的想像及討論空間,並更瞭解台灣在大航海時期所扮演的角色。 本論文主要是研究西班牙殖民時期在菲律賓的防禦性建築,並以王城內部的「聖地牙哥堡」做為案例研究。文章首先敘述歐陸防禦性城堡的變革以便瞭解西班牙海外殖民地防禦性建築的演變;其次簡述大航海時期西班牙在亞洲的擴張及殖民體系,試圖解釋西班牙為何選擇馬尼拉作為亞洲殖民中心;第三,從西班牙統治前、後馬尼拉樣貌的改變,分析西班牙將馬尼拉定為亞洲殖民總部的角色與定位;第四,菲律賓「王城」內部之防禦性建築「聖地牙哥堡」研究,包括堡內的概況,如坐落、形式、內部相關配置、構造、材料與周邊相關措施;最後,做出總結。


Fort Santiago is a typical Spanish fortification in the Philippines during the Age of Discovery. At that time, Spain selected Manila as Asia colonial capital, connecting the commercial routes among Asia, America and Europe. Therefore, the Asia colonial capital “Intramuros” and the fortification “Fort Santiago” established in Manila Bay have become the most representative and important fortifications in Asia during Spanish colonization. The motive to choose Fort Santiago as research case consists in geographic location of the Philippines and Taiwan. Both place located in transport pivot between Europe and Asia, and there were some kind of similarities between Manila and Hoping Island in Keelung. Even though Spanish architectures in Northern Taiwan had destroyed, we look forward to realizing the role of Taiwan during the Age of Exploration and understanding the fortress during the 17 years of Spanish occupation of Northern Taiwan, such as San Salvador in Keelung and Santo Domingo in Tamsui, through exploring the features and styles of Fort Santiago. The idea of this thesis is to study the Spanish Colonial fortifications in the Philippines and take “Fort Santiago” as case study. The first section of thesis describes the transformations of European fortification in order to compare the differences and similarities of Spanish one; the second section presents Spanish colonial system in Asia during the Age of Exploration and explains the broad reason why Spain chose Manila as the Asian colonial capital; the third analyses the role of Spanish colonial capital in Asia through the changes of Manila scheme; the forth part focuses on the configuration of Fort Santiago, such as location, style, structure, material and other installations; and the final section concludes the thesis.


2006 〈西班牙殖民地管理體系的建構與確立〉,《歷史月刊》,225(10)頁28-34
