  • 學位論文


Persistence and Compromise in Music Creation:Romanian Folk Dances Composed by Bela Bartok and Inspired by Transylvanian Tradition.

指導教授 : 吳榮順


摘 要 巴爾托克是匈牙利的鋼琴家、作曲家,更是熱衷於民歌研究的民族音樂學者。其一生之音樂創作豐富且多元,當中不乏改編自原創作品之不同版本之管弦樂曲,或被重新整合成組曲形式的舞曲。《羅馬尼亞民間舞曲》(Romanian Folk Dances)即是巴爾托克於1915年以羅馬尼亞民間音樂為素材的鋼琴傑作。二年之後,亦即1917年,巴爾托克又將它改編為小管弦樂合奏。此舉是基於演奏者的需求,或是源自傳統創作上的認知回饋與反省,亦或有其他因素?此為本文所探究的第一部分問題。本文的另一個重點是探究特蘭西瓦尼亞地區(Transylvania)所盛行之「弦樂合奏」,尤其是三弦中提琴擔任和弦伴奏時所展現之音響特色。特蘭西瓦尼亞地區不僅是巴爾托克的家鄉,更是《羅馬尼亞民間舞曲》的誕生地。筆者逐一分析了這六首舞曲,並觀察巴爾托克如何透過其小管弦樂版本之改編,尤其是樂器配置、速度安排,以及支聲複音等面向,來精準掌握該地區「弦樂合奏」之精髓與音樂語法。本研究之最終目的是要發掘巴爾托克如何讓傳統與現代元素並存於其所創作之音樂中;換言之,巴爾托克是如何體現他在音樂創作方面的堅持與妥協。 關鍵字: 特蘭西瓦尼亞、音響、弦樂合奏、《羅馬尼亞民間舞曲》


Abstract Bela Bartok was a Hungarian composer, pianist and ethnomusicologist who took interest in and devoted himself to the study of folk music.He was a versatile, prolific musicologist whose numerous works were created by adapting some original pieces into versions of orchestral music and dance music in the form of a suite. Romanian Folk Dances, composed in 1915, was one of his great piano pieces based on seven Romanian tunes from Transylvania.Two years later, i.e. in 1917, it was rearranged into an orchestral ensemble. The motivation behind the adaptation, whether it was for the needs of the performers or simply as a result of creative introspection and reflection, is the first question we will deal with in this paper. Our second purpose is to find out more about the string orchestra peculiar to Transylvania, especially the acoustic features displayed by the three-stringed viola, when played to provide the musical accompaniment with chords.Transylvania was the birthplace of both Bela Bartok and Romanian Folk Dances. To realize how he grasped the very essence of Transylvania’s small ensemble and its musical language while orchestrating the suite, we will examine its six short piano pieces one by one, with our attention focused mainly on three aspects, namely Instrumentation,tempo, and heterophony. It is hoped that our detailed investigation can lead us to a significant discovery about how he admitted both traditional and modern elements into his musical creation, that is, how he tried to keep a balance between persistence and compromise. Key words: Transylvania、accoustic、string orchestra、Romanian Folk Dances


Walsh, Stephen
Heritage of Music Ltd.
Milne, Hamish


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