  • 學位論文


The study on the Volunteers’s learning process of Dust City Audio Book Club based on Community of Practice

指導教授 : 蔡怡君


本研究以沙鹿電影藝術館塵市音像讀書會之影像志工作為研究對象,採取質性研究方式,以實務社群為理論基礎,撰寫訪談大綱來進行訪談,並以文件分析與參與觀察來做輔助。本研究旨在從實務社群觀點探討塵市音像讀書會志工社群之學習歷程研究,探討影像志工參與塵市音像讀書會之動機、塵市音像讀書會之運作情況,以及塵市音像讀書會產生影響與效益作為本研究之重點。 依據本研究發現,歸納出下列結論: 一、影像志工關注公益與紀錄片創作之議題,透過領導者與資深志工帶領下進行互動,產生有形與無形的成果 二、影像志工因個人興趣、課程內容與讀書會中互相學習的氛圍參與讀書會的活動 三、影像志工依照自身專長及支援各項工作來扮演好自己的角色 四、影像志工以實務操作與知識分享的方式,提升影像拍攝知能及解決問題能力 五、影像志工參與塵市音像讀書會後提升影像知能與心靈充實感,應用於日常生活中拍攝與欣賞,並從中獲得成就感 六、塵市音像讀書會讓對影像拍攝有興趣的人有了學習空間,並培養影像創作人才來推廣沙鹿電影藝術館特色 最後,本研究根據上述研究結果,針對讀書會建立實務社群模式、地方文化館成立實務社群,以及未來研究提出建議


The participants of this study are composed of the imaging volunteers of Dust City Audio Book Club of Shalu Movie Art Museum. This study is adopted as a research case, and the theory is mainly based on the community of practice. Moreover, outlines are made during interviews,and the study is assisted with document analysis and observation. The purport of the study is to probe into the learning process of the volunteer community and initial motivations of the imaging volunteers who participate in the Dust City Audio Book Club, Furthermore, the study is also put emphasis on the operation ,the impacts, and the benefits of the Dust City Audio Book Club. According to the findings in the research, conclusions were made respectively as follows: 1.The image volunteers concern about the public welfare and the issues about the production of the documentaries . The interaction led by the leaders and the senior volunteers brought the tangible and intangible achievements. 2.The image volunteers participate in the activities of the book club due to the individual interests, the contents of the curriculum, and the atmosphere of mutual learning of the book club. 3.The imaging volunteers play their roles according to their specialities and their support for the work in the Dust City Audio Book Club. 4.The imaging volunteers improve the abilities to shoot films and the capabilities of solving problems by practical operation and the sharing of knowledge. 5.The imaging volunteers enhance the ability to image films and feel a sense of fufillment in their mind after joining the Dust City Audio Book Club.Besides, they can apply what they learnd to the shoot of films in their daily life and get a sense of accomplishment. 6.The Dust City Audio Book Club provides a learning environment for the people who are interested in image filming, In addition, it also acquaints people with the abilities to film.The purpose for this is to popularize the characteristics of Shalu Movie Art Museum Based on the conclusions above, the research proposes some suggestions for establishing the community of practice in the Dust City Audio Book Club and local cultural museums, The research can also be the reference for the following researches in the future.




