  • 學位論文

日間照顧服務對老人自覺健康狀況及健康相關生活品質之研究- 以財團法人愚人之友基金會為例

A study on self-perceived health status and health-related quality of live in social adult day care centers for the old

指導教授 : 黃源協


本研究的目的旨在探討社會型日間照顧對老人自覺健康狀況及健康相關生活品質的影響,並檢視自覺健康狀況與健康相關生活品質的影響因素,再就研究結果與發現,研提未來國內社會型老人日間照顧政策制訂與實務執行之相關建議。研究方法採用問卷面訪的方式,以台灣簡明版世界衛生組織生活品質問卷為主要內容,普查參與愚人之友基金會7個社會型日間照顧服務的老人,共收集164個樣本,完訪率達88.6%。經統計分析後,研究結果如下: 1. 受訪老人平均健康相關生活品質的得分為55.48分,屬於中上程 度。以「社會關係範疇」14.59分的得分最高,最低則為心理範疇12.88分。 2. 每月經濟狀況及有無罹患疾病會影響老人參與社會型日間照顧服務時間的長短。而性別、年齡、宗教信仰、每月經濟狀況、有無罹患疾病、罹病數量、功能狀況及參與服務的時間則與老人自覺健康狀況有顯著相關,各模式的整體正確率介於75.0%∼86.4%。 3. 年齡、婚姻狀況、教育程度、每月經濟狀況、有無罹患疾病、罹病數量、ADL分數、IADL分數、參與服務的時間、自覺目前健康狀況、自覺和同年齡層相比時健康狀況與老人健康相關生活品質有顯著相關。上述變項能解釋生理範疇27.8%的變異量、心理範疇17.0%、社會關係範疇17.2%、環境範疇12.1%、整體健康相關生活品質27.0%的變異量。 基於上述研究結果,本研究提出相關的研究建議: (1)在政策方面--應教育並倡導成功老化的觀念,創造對老人友善的 社區照顧環境;持續重視日間照顧政策的發展,鼓勵老人參與日間照顧服務,讓老人獲得有生活品質的老年生活;重視老人晚年經濟狀況,以提升老人自覺健康狀況及健康相關生活品質。 (2)在實務方面--應視社會型老人日間照顧服務為永續經營的社會福利事業;提供社會型老人日間照顧服務時,應重視「性別」及「年齡」議題;且全面提升老人健康相關生活品質是設計活動及服務內容的宗旨。 (3)在學術方面--應積極投入社會型日間照顧服務之相關研究,並將研究範圍應擴及全省;持續探討影響老人自覺健康狀況及健康相關生活品質的顯著變項;重視老人社會工作教育,以因應未來老人照顧專業人員的需求。


The purpose in this study discusses Social Adult Day Care for old peoples’ self-perceived health status and health-related quality of life and finds out the factors. According to the result of the study, we provide some suggestions for Social Adult Day Care policy and work. After surveyed seven centers of Quixotic Implement Foundation, this study collected 164 samples, completed 88.6% by WHOQOL-BREF Taiwan survey. After analyzed the statistic, this study found out 3 points. 1.The mean of 164 old peoples’ WHOQOL-BREF Taiwan surveys was 55.48 score that belonged to meddle level. The highest score was 14.59 in social relationship domain and the lowest score was 12.88 in psychological domain. 2.Economic status in monthly and affected illness or not were the most important variables that influenced how long the old participated in Social Adult Day Care Service. The old felt their self-perceived health status best or worst by some variables that included sex, age, religion, economic status in monthly, affected illness or not, amount of illness, functional status and how long they participated in service. These variables in self-perceived health status study were 75.0%~86.4% correctly. 3.Some variables influenced the score of health-related quality of life. Those were age, marital status, level of education, economic status in monthly, affected illness or not, amount of illness, the score of ADL and IADL, how long they participated in service, self-perceived health status presently and self-perceived health status compared with contemporaries. All of variables explained physical domain was 27.8%, psychological domain was 17.0%, social relationship domain was 17.2%, environment domain was 12.1% and overall health-related quality of life was 27.0%. The results of 3 points, the study provide some suggestions: (1)In policy, we are going to advocate the concept of successful ageing and create friendly community-care environment for the old. We are going to attach great importance to development in adult day care policy abidingly, encourage the old participate in adult day care service and make their life more quality. Pay more attention to the olds’ economics status in their old life in order to upgrade their self-perceived health status and health-related quality of life. (2)In work, we need to notice that social adult day care service is a long time public service. When we supply social adult day care service, sex and age are the most important focuses. The object of design activities and content in service is promoting the old health-related quality of life comprehensively. (3)In study, we need to pitch into the study of social adult day care service and expand the research area in Taiwan. We need to discuss other variables in self-perceived health status and health-related quality of life continually. To increase social work practice with the old in education for more professional take care more old people.


王仁潔、李湘雄(2001)。《老化與心理健康》(Michael A. Smyer & Sara H. Qualls, 翻譯)。臺北:弘智。(原作出版於1999年)。


