  • 學位論文


Design and Implementation of Low-Cost and High- Performance Information Redundancy and Disaster Recovery Mechanism ---Taking High School Library as an Example

指導教授 : 簡宏宇


高中圖書館因為有先天上人力資源及預算不足的弱勢,現今又面臨許多重大的改變與挑戰,如資訊科技的迅速發展、環境的變遷、讀者需求的多元化及其使用資訊行為的改變等諸多議題。因此在圖書館數位化後,除需依照原有高中圖書館法令於館內提供資料查詢之電腦,以及按照現有模式下所購置之伺服器平台,依此兩種方式進行下造就出為數不少之硬體,而維護作業不但需要專業,也需要相當的人力去執行,不僅耗時且耗能。 故本文針對管理高中圖書館數位化之硬體架構、資料備份、災難復原等各項問題,提出一個兼顧成本與效能的虛擬化系統架構做為解決方案。本系統藉由實作於某高中圖書館後,使系統管理者能透過虛擬化技術,方便管理各圖書館伺服器,同時大幅增進資料備份與復原的彈性與效能,改善了原有圖書館伺服器管理、資料備份與復原機制之各項缺失。 本研究之主要目標為創造出一個全年無休之資訊服務提供用戶端使用,並有效防範及維護此系統於任何災難發生時,使管理者在任何時期皆能迅速掌握並處理,以期在極短之時間內迅速回復到最佳狀況,提供使用者達到資訊利用不中斷之服務。


虛擬化 災難復原 異地備援 BCM


Traditionally, a library in high school has very limited resources like manpower and budget. Now, new requirements and opportunities also challenge the libraries in high schools. These include fast changing information technology, various user requirements, environment change and user habits change. To keep pace on these requirements, many high-school libraries need to maintain legacy computer systems while, at the same time, install new computer systems. It not only needs more budget but also impose great maintenance burden on librarians. This study applies the virtual machine technology in maintaining computer systems in high-school libraries, and evaluates its performance in field testing. The result shows that it not only improves the efficiency, reduces the hardware cost but also improves other performances like data backup and disaster recovery. This study confirms that well applying virtual machine technology in library computer systems is a very promising solution to maintaining computer systems of libraries. It can reduce the cost and improve the efficiency. More importantly, it also facilitates a good solution for data backup and disaster recovery. We propose that virtual machine technology could be widely applied in other libraries.


Virtualization Disaster Recovery Remote Backup BCM


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