  • 學位論文


A Study on the Relationship between High Performance Work Systems and Organizational Performance : Personality Trait as A Moderator.

指導教授 : 蔡櫻鈴


由策略性人力資源管理學派提出,異於傳統人力資源管理的高績效工作系統學說興貣,使得越來越多組織積極開始找尋能夠正向影響工作績效之最佳策略。回顧國內探討與研發人員有關的文獻,皆為西方學者根據西方產業所歸納之高績效工作系統,較少實證分析台灣產業所適配之人力資源最佳措施。但高科技產業歷年皆為出口產品主要功臣,其研究因此十分重要。本研究以高科技產業研發人員為例,藉由文獻理論及專家問卷設計出高績效工作系統量表,並由於人格特質會影響工作績效,故將研發人員之人格特質設為調節變數,透過問卷發放進行量化研究,探討高績效工作系統與工作績效間之關係。 本研究實証結果證實五種人格特質分類:開放性、親和宜人性、嚴謹性、情緒穩定性與外向性人格特質能夠有效預測工作績效之外,並從五大人格特質分類中,實證歸納出嚴謹性人格特質相較擁有其他人格特質最能夠有效預測任務績效。雖然本研究證實員工參與顯著正向影響任務績效,但亦發現增進技能會負向影響任務績效;以及其他高績效工作系統甚至會負陎影響情境績效。由於高績效工作系統本身沒有明確定義,該如何設計能夠算是高績效工作系統,每項措施或是管理系統都必頇以與公司策略配合之原則進行考量。並且透過實證結果:開放性人格會對員工激勵及團隊績效產生調節效果;情緒穩定性會顯著調節員工參與對情境績效之影響效果,亦會對員工激勵和團隊績效之間產生顯著調節效果,推論出人格特質對於高績效工作系統與工作績效之間存在調節效果


The rise of innovative human resource management –High Performance Work Systems theory that is more flexible than the traditional human resource management in a knowledge-based environment, many companies actively looking for their own measures of High Performance Work Systems There is a serious lack of little research or empirical analysis of High Performance Work Systems industry in Taiwan. But the high-tech industry is often regarded as promoting the development of a country's future economic development. In recent years, Taiwan's main exports are electronic products, so the study of high-tech is very important. In this study, research data were collected from R&D employees of high-tech industry in Taiwan through questionnaire. This work proves that the job performance can be estimated properly by Big –Five personality trait, and reveals that in Big Five Fatcors, “Conscientiousness” personality trait predicts Task Performance more closely than others. Although this study demonstrated a positive effect on employees to participate in task performance , but we also find out some high performance can reduce the job performance. Due to the ambiguous definition on High Performance Work Systems, how to design a management fashion called High Performance Work Systems is a question mark, and it companions with company’s strategies and principles. In addition, the result confirms that the personality trait of R&D staff was a moderator on the relationship between High Performance Work Systems and job performance.


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