  • 學位論文


A Study on the Influence of Corporate Leaders' Utilization of Storytelling

指導教授 : 吳明烈


本研究以企業領導人做為對象,目的在探討企業領導人說故事之運用及其影響,研究目的包括1.分析及討論企業領導人說故事運用情形;2.分析企業領導人運用說故事之對組織之影響與成效;3.討論企業領導人的說故事能力;4.分析比較企業領導人說故事領導特色。為達成此上述各項研究目的,本研究採用半結構式訪談法,以七位企業領導人做為研究對象,以達到研究目的。 根據研究分析結果,有下列數項結論: 一、企業領導人運用說故事的目的不盡然相同,然可歸納出促成組織管理、組織領導、組織學習、組織品牌行銷四層面之效,其中又以促成組織管理之效最為明顯。 二、企業領導人說故事取材來源,主要係源自領導人自我體驗以及與組織有所連結之故事內容。 三、企業領導人運用故事選擇策略的影響因素,主要係使用目的與員工職位。 四、企業領導人運用說故事時機大多來自經驗法則,倘若要分類,主要可以分為機會教育與特定時機運用。 五、企業領導人運用說故事所遭遇的困難與因應方法,可歸納為單一故事的涵蓋性不足,需要多個故事串連等五個面向。 六、企業領導人運用說故事對組織的影響與成效,可歸納為組織管理、領導、學習、品牌行銷四類,說故事可以讓管理有效落實,使領導更容易,幫助學習簡化,並能豐富品牌行銷,達到組織與員工認同之效。 七、企業領導人說故事能力之內涵,可以分為敘說能力、故事的自我思考能力、敘事能力。 八、企業領導人說故事能力可以透過事前準備、事後檢討、持續學息、田野調查、組織訓練以及企業觀摩等六種方式強化之。 九、企業領導人運用說故事的領導特色主要可歸納為五項:目的連結行動、著重人際互動、著重組織員工精神層面凝聚、富包容且極具彈性的領導、感性與理性兼具的領導人,此五點與托爾斯泰互動式領導特色大致相符。 十、企業領導人使用說故事之領導特質與轉換型領導特質有相符之處,分別為具備清楚的價值觀與明確的願景、勇於接受改變與能承擔風險、信任組織成員、終生的學習者。 本研究依據研究結果,分別針對企業、企業領導人及後續研究等提出多項建議。


The subjects and purpose of this study are corporate leaders, how they make use of storytelling and the subsequent results. The aims of the study include: 1. Analyses of situations in which storytelling are used by corporate leaders; 2. Analyses of the influences and results of storytelling; 3. A discussion on storytelling abilities of corporate leaders; 4. Analyses and comparison of characteristics employed in leadership of storytelling by corporate leaders. In order to accomplish these aims, this study makes use of semi-structured interviews with 7 corporate leaders as subjects of our investigation. From the analyses of our results, there are ten conclusions: 1.Each corporate leader may have slightly different motives and objectives for giving storytelling, but the aims do not go beyond these four major benefits: of management, leadership, learning and brand marketing. Most storytelling is used for organizational management purposes. 2.Sources material of storytelling that are obtained by corporate leaders can be divided into two major groups: the first source is personal experience and the second is the stories related to the organization itself. 3.Factors influencing corporate leaders to give storytelling as a tactic can be divided into two major groups: the first is the objective of storytelling and the second being the position of the employee. 4.The situation and timing in which storytelling are employed are using personal experience as a rule of thumb. Possible categorization of timing, if required, would be random opportunities for educating the employees or deliberate choice of timing. 5.There are five major problems with respective solutions encountered when giving storytelling: single stories may have insufficient coverage of the event; single stories may have insufficient coverage of the event, and require multiple stories to piece a complete picture; extending the positive influences brought about by storytelling require support from the corporate leaders; those with vested interest benefit less from storytelling; storytelling require effective communication channels to ensure the best results; it is difficult to calculate the cost for telling anecdotal narratives, and the corporate leader must make necessary adjustments and packaging. 6.There are four types of influences and effects on recipients or organizations from storytelling given by corporate leaders – organizational management, leadership, learning and brand marketing. Storytelling can assist with management measures, facilitate leadership, make learning easier and enrich brand marketing methods, thus effectively creating a consensus between the organization and her employees. 7.Storytelling capabilities of corporate leaders can be classified in several aspects, including narrative skills, self-reflective elements in the story and the ability to describe events in detail. 8.There are six methods that can be reinforced by corporate leaders to augment their storytelling skills, these are: preparation, post-speech analysis, continuous learning, field research, organizational training and corporate inspection. 9.Five main leadership qualities are utilized when corporate leaders give storytelling: objectives are coupled with action, emphasis on human interaction, attentive to the forging of employee mental cohesion and unity, leadership traits that are tolerant and flexible while having elements of rationality and emotional sensitivity. These qualities coincide with the characteristics of Tolstoyan Mode leadership. 10.There are similarities in characteristics of corporate leaders using storytelling and those using transformational leadership. These similarities are that both have a clear set of values and vision, are confident in accepting changes and take risks, place confidence in organization members and are lifelong learners themselves.


Shad Morris & James B. Oldroyd(2009)。說故事傳遞知識。哈佛商業評論全球繁體中文版,33,78-82。
