  • 學位論文


The Transformation of Labor Social Insurance in United States

指導教授 : 陳嫈郁


本研究透過制度概念探究國家、雇主、勞工組織與勞工制度根源及他們交互生成的權力結構下,勞工社會保險計畫設計之轉型。本研究認為傳統經濟理論僅提供規範性解釋與分析,無法完全解釋1935年到1981年美國勞工社會保險計畫設計之發展。是以本研究包含凱恩斯主義、新右派思想、後設治理理論,將三種思想制度與行動者交織,呈現出「互為主體性」之結構性脈絡及脈絡化行為者,藉以突顯行動者理性以及思想制度脈絡在過程中發揮的作用與限制。 本研究透過歷史制度論、策略-關係途徑和文獻分析法分析行動者與結構之間的關連性。以「1935年-1981年」、「1981年-1989年」兩個不同時間序列進行個案內比較。資料蒐集方面,本研究分析國內外學術書籍、期刊文章、學位論文、政府出版品、相關媒體統計資料與報章雜誌等次級資料。藉由上述研究架構與參考資料,以「歷史制度論」中「路徑依賴」以及「關鍵點」概念,據以呈現不同勞工社會保險計畫延續或轉變的邏輯。 隨著退休餘命增長,勞工社會保險成為維繫政府合法性與資本積累體系之重要建構,過往透過DB計畫以及社會安全計畫構聯而成給付體系,在知識經濟以及去工業化浪潮席捲下後的美國,面臨調降的壓力。DB計畫逐漸取代DC計畫,401(k)計畫成為主流。美國以國際金融組織以及軍事力量充分發展金融流動的實力,成為和Jessop強調創新的工業競爭型國家不同之類型,401(k)計畫的發展投射出美國由工業轉向金融的歷程。


This thesis aims to study the transformation of labor social insurance in United States based on the conception of institution, exploring the institution resources of International organizations, states, employers, labor unions, employees, and power structure of interactions. The orthodox economics only can provide normative explanatory analyses and interpret a part of the development on the transformation of labor social insurance in United States from 1935 to 1981. Alloying Keynesianism, New Right theory, the meta- governance theory, and agents expounds the intersubjectivity of strategic-context and contextualized-agent, clarifying influence and limitation of logical calculus and logical appropriateness Following these theoretical lines of reasoning, the empirical chapters adopts “historical institutionalism”, “strategic-relational approach”, and “literature analysis” to verify the hypothesis and to test the validity of the criteria in analytic framework by sequences comparisons of two power configuration. The thesis relies heavily on academic materials that include books, dissertations, government document and statistical data related to the media and press and secondary data, using the concept of "Path dependence" and "Juncture", presents the inner logic of the issue. The labor social insurance, including Social Security System and Defined Benefit Plan, is the crucial system which maintains the legitimacy and capitalist mode of production with the increasing of life expectancy. The benefit from DB plan and Social Security System was forced to sharply reduce under the trend of Knowledge-based economy and Deindustrialization. The process of 401(k) plan becoming the mainstream employee retirement benefit system shows the path from industry to finance of United States.


Axelrod, Alan 著,賈士蘅譯,2005,《美國史》,台北市:臺灣商務。譯自 The Complete Idiot's Guide to American History, 3rd Edition. US:Alpha’s Book, 2003.
Chang, Ha-Joon著,胡瑋珊譯,2010,《富國的糖衣:揭開自由貿易的真相》,台北:博雅。譯自Bad Samaritans: The Myth of Free Trade and the Secret History of Capitalism, Intercontinental Literary Agency, 2007.


