  • 學位論文


The Effect of Aging Experience Activities on Knowledge and Attitudes Toward of Elderly People---The Example of Potential Professionals for The Elderly People

指導教授 : 黃志忠


本研究欲瞭解影響老人服務潛在專業人員對老人認知與態度的因素,探討高齡者體驗活動對於改變老人服務潛在專業人員對老人認知與態度的影響,以及高齡者體驗活動會在老人服務潛在專業人員對老人認知與態度的哪個層面上產生影響。本研究設計採用準實驗設計,以量化之問卷調查法為主要資料蒐集方式,針對臺灣某老人福利基金會於全臺灣北、中、南地區所舉辦的高齡者體驗活動符合本研究對象之活動場次發放自填試問卷,其回收率為85%,並且輔以質性訪談,立意選取參加過高齡者體驗活動之5 位受試者進行深度訪談,以補充量化之不足,其主要研究結果如下: 1. 老人服務潛在專業人員之個人背景因素(如:性別、年齡)、代間接觸經驗(如:被老人照顧經驗、照顧老人經驗、與老人接觸互動頻率、與老人接觸互動感受)、大眾傳播媒體對老人之描述(如:「老人就像電視劇中描述的一樣有趣」、「生活週遭所接觸的老人跟電視劇上所演的一樣不令人喜歡」、「電視、新聞或廣告中所形塑的老人形象會影響我對老人的看法」)、老化感受,以及高齡者體驗活動等等 與對老人態度有顯著相關。 2. 老人服務潛在專業人員之教育背景、代間接觸經驗(如:與老人接觸互動感受)、大眾傳播媒體對老人之描述(如:「老人就像電視劇中描述的一樣有趣」)、研習老人相關課程經驗(如:老人生活保健或老化知識等老人的相關課程),以及高齡者體驗活動等等與對老人之認知有顯著相關。 3. 實驗組在參與高齡者體驗活動後,對老人態度之前測與後測得分沒有顯著差異;實驗組在參與高齡者體驗活動後,對老化知識之前測與後測得分有顯著差異;實驗組在參與高齡者體驗活動後,對於老化感受能有深刻的同理與了解。 4. 透過量化分析發現,老人服務潛在專業人員之性別、年齡、與老人接觸互動感受、生活週遭所接觸的老人跟電視劇上所演的一樣不令人喜歡、瞭解老年人身體功能退化情形、對高齡者相關議題有興趣,以及參與高齡者體驗活動皆為有效預測對老人態度的因子,整體模式的解釋力為31.4%。 5. 從質化訪談瞭解,代間接觸經驗不論是與長輩相處的時間長短或相處過程中的感受均會對老人態度有影響;透過學校課程設計與安排能夠使老人服務潛在專業人員對老化能有更深的認識與體會,但自身對於高齡者的興趣亦是影響對老人態度的重要因素之ㄧ,而對與老人相關的職業選擇則是會受到大環境因素的影響。


This study aimed to understand the factors of potential professionals for the elderly on knowledge and attitudes toward elderly people, investigated the effects of Aging Experience Activities on potential professionals’knowledge and attitudes toward elderly people, and whether the Aging Experience Activities impacted on potential professionals’ knowledge and attitudes toward elderly people. This study used quasi-experimental design, the main research method was quantitative method by using face-to-face surveys to collect data. The study used purposive sampling to choose respondents who meet the standards of this study and participate the Aging Experience Activities from northern, central and southern regions of Taiwan as experimental group. The total responding rate was 85%. The researcher also combined qualitative research method by using in-depth interview, including 5 Aging Experience Activities participants. The main findings of this research are as following: 1. The demographic characteristics (gender, age) of potential professionals for the elderly people, the experience of being with elders, mass media description for the elderly, aging experience and Aging Experience Activities were significantly related to the attitudes toward elderly people. 2. Education background of potential professionals for the elderly people, the experience of being with elders, mass media description for the elderly, the courses about elderly and Aging Experience Activities were significantly related to the knowledge toward elderly people. 3. After participating in Aging Experience Activities, the experimental group’s pre-test and post-test scores of attitudes toward the elderly were not significantly different. However, the pre-test and post-test scores of knowledge toward of the elderly were different significantly. 4. In this study, gender and age of potential professionals for the elderly people, the feeling of being with elders, understanding of the degradation of elderly body functions, interested in related elderly issues, and participating in activities of the elderly experience were predicting factors of knowledge and attitudes toward of elderly people. Explained variance of the dependent variable was 31.4%. 5. From the qualitative interviews, both the length of time spending with elders and the experience with the elderly affect the attitudes toward the elderly; the professional courses from school designs and arrangements enable professionals in aging services, and have a better understanding and experience potentially. But their interests for the elderly are also important factors in affecting the attitudes toward the elderly. While the career choice associated with elderly will be influenced by the environment surrounding them. According to the findings and conclusions, the implications for policy, practice, and further research were discussed.


參 考 文 獻
王佳煌、潘中道、郭俊賢、黃瑋瑩 (譯)(2002)。W. Lawrence Neuman 著。當代社會
