  • 學位論文


The Impact of Idol Worship and Endorser’s Credibility on Product Purchase Intention

指導教授 : 黃佑安


企業挑選消費者喜歡的偶像來擔當產品代言人已經成為一種常見的現象,但是過往研究卻很少探討偶像崇拜與代言人可信度之影響、消費者的偶像崇拜是否會影響代言產品的購買意願,因此本研究欲以周杰倫為例探討: (1)偶像崇拜對音樂產品與代言產品購買意願之影響、(2)偶像崇拜對代言人可信度之影響、(3)代言人可信度對音樂產品與代言產品購買意願之影響。 本研究採用問卷調查法 (survey research) 收集初級資料,採用便利抽樣原則來進行樣本的抽樣,問卷對象以大學生做為樣本,共回收 786 份問卷,以SPSS 18.0 統計軟體進行分析。 實證結果如下: 1. 偶像崇拜對音樂產品與代言產品購買意願有顯著影響; 2. 偶像崇拜中社交娛樂層次對代言人可信度中之信賴度、專業性與吸引力皆有顯著影響,偶像崇拜中迷戀與病態層次對代言人可信度中之信賴度與吸引力兩個構面有顯著影響,但是偶像崇拜中迷戀與病態層次對代言人可信度之專業性無顯著影響; 3. 代言人可信度之信賴度與吸引力對代言產品與音樂產品購買意願有顯著影響,代言人可信度之專業性對代言產品與音樂產品購買意願則無顯著影響。


It’s a common phenomenon that companies select idol to be product endorser, but previous researches have rarely explored the effect of idol worship and endorser’s credibility, the relationship between idol worship and endorsement product purchase intention. This research is Jay Chou case study, we want to talk about: (1) idol worship affects music products and endorsement product purchase intentions; (2) idol worship affects endorser’s credibility; and (3) endorser's credibility affects music products and endorsement product purchase intentions. This study used survey research to collect the primary data that used to carry out the principle of convenience sampling, questionnaire object to students as samples were collected 786 questionnaires to SPSS 18.0 statistical software for analyzing. The results are as follows: 1. Idol worship has significantly impact on music products and endorsement product purchase intention. 2. Entertainment-social level of idol worship has significantly impact on trustworthiness, expertise and attractiveness of endorser’s credibility. Intense-pathological level of idol worship has significantly impact on trustworthiness and attractiveness of endorser’s credibility, but intense-pathological level of idol worship has no significantly impact on expertise of endorser’s credibility. 3. Trustworthiness and attractiveness of endorser’s credibility have significantly effect on music products and endorsement product purchase intention. Expertise of endorser’s credibility has no significantly effect on music products and endorsement product purchase intention.


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