  • 學位論文


The case study on the implementation of teacher evaluation for professional development

指導教授 : 馮丰儀


本研究旨在探究南投縣國中、小各一所教師專業發展評鑑之實施經驗,期瞭解國民中小學推動教師專業發展評鑑教師參與影響因素、推動歷程、遭遇困難與解決之道。本研究的發現如下: 壹、學校教師參與教師專業發展評鑑影響因素 一、校長的支持與實際作為,有助於教師專業發展評鑑之起步。 二、學校承辦人相關知能影響教師專業發展評鑑之推動。 三、教師專業學習社群奠定教師專業發展評鑑之基礎。 四、教師專業發展評鑑之過程,教師獲取正向經驗,且影響教師參與續辦 貳、學校推動教師專業發展評鑑之歷程 一、推動教師專業發展評鑑的歷程從摸索準備、正式上路、啟動評鑑、教師成長與省思 參、學校推動教師專業發展評鑑所遭遇之困難與解決之道 一、教學觀察評鑑過程若流於形式,未能真正達到教師專業發展評鑑目的 二、評鑑規準的制定過程未能深入討論,忽略教師需求,難以取得共識 三、討論時間不足,影響教師自我表現與對話的機會。 四、已取得教師專業發展評鑑相關證書的教師,在實施評鑑之時卻無法學以致用。 依據結論提出建議如下: 壹、校長應以身作則參與評鑑及課室觀察,可提高團體動力。 貳、主要計畫承辦者應先行瞭解教師專業發展評鑑推動流程,有助於推動順利 參、以教師專業發展評鑑促進教師專業學習社群之形成,使教師從中獲得成長 肆、行政人員在推動過程鼓勵支持教師,協助建立參與教師專業發展評鑑的正向經驗。 伍、教學觀察評鑑初次實施可借助實務專家示範,以增進教師觀察前、後會談與觀察技巧。 陸、評鑑規準及工具應借助輔導委員的支援,並切合所有參與教師的需求與共識。 柒、學校整合相關資源,減輕教師工作量,降低時間不足的問題。 捌、教師應隨時自我要求,積極參與教師專業發展評鑑以提升專業知能。


The purpose of this study is to probe into practiced experiences of Teacher Evaluation for Profession Development in both a junior high school and an elementary school in Nantou County. This research attempts to understand the factors that effect teachers of both juior high and elmentary schools involve in the T.E.P.D., excuting process and as well as both the difficulties and slotions in excuting the T.E.P.D.. This study have The results of this study are showed as followed: 1. The factors that effected school teachers involved in T.E.P.D. 1.1 The support and involvement from a school principal would be a great help at the beginning of T.E.P.D.. 1.2 The undertaker‘s knowledge and skills in T.E.P.D of each school would greatly impact the impetus of T.E.P.D.. 1.3 Teachers’ learning community set the foundation of T.E.P.D.. 1.4 Theachers got possitive experiences in the processes of T.E.P.D. and that had many influences on teachers’ further involvement. 2. The processes of lannding an impetus to T.E.P.D. 2.1 The implement of the T.E.P.D. includes getting ready, ready to go, initiating the evaluation, teachers’ development as well as tearchers’ reflection and feedback. 3. Both the difficulties and the solutions of excuting the T.E.P.D.. 3.1 If the teaching observance became as a matter of form, it would not achieve the goal of T.E.P.D.. 3.2 It is impossible to reach a common consensus if enough disciussion had not been made before the evaluation criteria(rules/ regulations) were founded, nor did the therachers’ need was neglected. 3.3 If teachers did not have sufficient time in discussion, it would have negative impact on teachers’ performance and dialogues. 3.4 Teachers who has obtained a licence in T.E.P.D.would have difficulties in putting into practice what they have been learned. Base on the results of this study, the recommendations and advices are made as following: 1. In order to promote the group dynamic, the school principal should lead by personal example by involving in the evaluation and classroom observation. 2. In order to get things moving successfully, the undertaker should be proficient in T.E.P.D.. 3. In order that teachers can make progress, they should from professional learning communities. 4. School administratos should be able to give support to teachers and help to establish possitive experiences in T.E.P.D. 5. In order to improve teachers’ observerance skills (prior to and after the observerances), teachers’ learning communities could ask help from experts by making demostration. 6. Evaluation rules and regulations should meet the requirements and common consensus of all involved teachers, and should have logistic backups from committee. 7. Schools should integrate all related resources in order to reduce teachers’ loading and to save time. 8. In order to upgrade teachers’ professionalism, Teachers should do their best to achieve self-actualization in involving in T.E.P.D..




