  • 學位論文


A Study on the Experience of International Non-Governmental Organization in the Third World -A Case of Junior Chamber International,Cambodia

指導教授 : 黃源協


本研究採質化研究中的「個案研究法」,以柬埔寨國際青年商會(JCI CAMBODIA) 為例,探討國際 NGO 進入第三世界的歷程,尤其是 JCI CAMBODIA 發展過程中的 助力、阻力及其未來發展須面對的挑戰,進而再從組織的宗旨、信條、運作策略及方 法,建立 JCI CAMBODIA 的運作模式。本研究主要發現如下: 一、JCI CAMBODIA 成功創建的關鍵,包括:(A)對「訓練自己服務人群」觀念的堅 持;(B)企業家的支持;(C)政府官方的支持;(D)企業界的資金贊助支持;(E)會 員及會員家人的支持。 二、JCI CAMBODIA 重要的優勢與觀念,包括:(A)訓練與教育;(B)對自己好,對國 家好,對年輕人好,對企業家好的四贏策略;(C)簽證取得方面的誘因;(D)「社 會服務」及 JCI「訓練自己服務人群」的宗旨。 三、JCI CAMBODIA 品牌經營模式的獨特性,包括:(A)剃除掉一些只進來 JCI CAMBODIA 要名聲而不願意付出的會員;(B)成立 JCI CAMBODIA 基金會;(C) 確保控管活動品質;(D) 建立品牌價值。 本研究之主要建議包括: 一、對 JCI CAMBODIA 的組織管理運作模式建議,包括:(A) 在人員訓練面向以培 訓國內人才提昇會員能力;(B)在人員招募面向以清楚定位人員招募因應人才競 爭;(C) 在經費來源面向以多元經費來源維持組織正常運作(D) 在經營策略面向 以建立新管理制度提昇活動品質及確保品牌價值(E) 與政府的協力合作要建立 組織與政府的合作規範保有組織核心價值(F) 與企業的夥伴關係要建構一個捐 款人資料查核機制。 二、國際 NGOs 組織進入柬埔寨的建議,包括:(A) 強化人員素質與專業定位;(B) 正 確的與官方互動;(C) 明定合作策略。 三、給柬埔寨政府的政策建議,包括:(A) 政府面對 NGOs 的心態要改變;(B) 政府 要設立社會福利單位改善國民生活。


This study collected qualitative study "case study" to Cambodia, Junior Chamber International (JCI CAMBODIA), for example, to explore the international NGO journey into the Third World, especially in the development of JCI CAMBODIA power, resistance and future to face the challenges of development, and then again from the purpose of the organization, doctrine, tactics and methods of operation, establish JCI CAMBODIA mode of operation. The main findings of this study are as follows: 1. JCI CAMBODIA successfully created a key, include: (A) the introduction of "train yourself to serve the people" concept insistence; support (B) Entrepreneur:; (C) The Government official support; (D) the business of financial sponsorship support; (E) members and their families for their support. 2. JCI CAMBODIA important advantages and ideas, including: (A) training and education; (B) for their own good, the good of the country, good for young people, good entrepreneurs won four strategies; (C) to obtain a visa terms (D) "social service" and JCI "train yourself to serve the people," the purpose; incentives. 3. JCI CAMBODIA brand business model is unique, including: (A) to shave off some JCI CAMBODIA only came to fame but not willing to pay the membership; (B) the establishment of JCI CAMBODIA Foundation; (C) To ensure the quality of the Control Manager Events ; (D) the establishment of brand value. III The main recommendations of this study include: 1. the JCI CAMBODIA organizational management mode of operation of ommendations, including: (A) Personnel training for in training domestic talent to enhance the capacity of Member; (B) the recruitment for a clear positioning of recruitment in response to the competition for talent; (C) in funds Multiple sources of funding to maintain for the proper functioning of the organization (D) in order to establish a new business strategy for the promotion activities of the quality management system and ensure that the brand value (E) to work together with the government to establish a standardized organization and government cooperation to maintain the core values of the organization (F) partnership companies and donors to construct a data checking mechanism 2. the international organizations to enter the recommendations NGOs in Cambodia, include: (A) strengthen the quality of personnel and professional orientation; (B) the right to interact with the Crown; (C) stipulates that the cooperation strategy 3. to the Cambodian Government's policy recommendations, including: (A)the government's attitude to change the face of NGOs; (B) the Government should set up social welfare institutions to improve national life


NGO Third World Cambodia JCI empowerment


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