  • 學位論文


A Study on How Junior High Schools Promote International Education in Remote Areas─Five Cases in Taichung

指導教授 : 洪雯柔


摘要 本研究是以臺中市五所偏鄉學校作為研究對象,透過訪談此五所學校每校的校長、參與推動國際教育的行政主管與教師各一名,以了解學校在國際教育推動的相關作為與發展的脈絡。包括學校過往發展國際教育的概況與發展的契機、國際教育規劃與執行的現況、參與人員的感受與想法等。以了解偏鄉學校如何運用現有的條件規劃推動國際教育,並依據研究結果,提供教育主管機關及推動國際教育學校人員相關建議。 研究結果發現: 壹、 學校推動國際教育的基礎與契機 一、 發展國際教育作為學校亮點,有助於國際教育傳承。 二、校長個人背景與經驗對學校國際教育發展有影響。 三、學校推動國際教育的契機 (一) 校長推動國際教育的決心,與任用有能力有意願的參與人員,是國際教育推動成功的關鍵。 (二) 協助主管機關辦理國際教育事務,配合政策方向申請相關資源,有助於學校國際教育資源的取得與資源網絡的建立。 貳、國際教育規劃與執行現況之發現 一、 校長領導方面 (一) 必須尊重教師想法與意願及工作負擔,凝聚推動共識,推動才會順利。 (二) 校長應是國際教育方向制定者、計畫執行支持者和資源籌措者,但如同時扮演方案規劃者,推動會更順利。 二、 學校推動國際教育應有的行政運作與任務分工 (一) 學校推動國際教育的行政運作應由校長主導、行政負責規劃、各處室皆參與、教師負責教學,並應依照實務不斷調整,靈活彈性。 (二) 學校推動國際教育注重人力資源的英語能力,爭取家長參與是學校推動國際教育順利的關鍵。 (三) 國際教育參與人員專業成長與激勵其參與國際教育之因素 1.做中學是普遍認為是最有效的專業成長方式。 2.激勵教師參與國際教育主要因素是專業成長與協助學生,但有個別差異。 三、 地方特色如何運用於國際教育 (一) 地方的產業、文化、人文與自然景觀及學校的特色社團或團隊都是學校推動國際教育可以運用的地方特色。 (二) 地方特色用於國際教育主要作為培養學生國家認同的教材、與國外交流的媒介、行銷台灣及作為英語練習的內容。 四、 十二年課程綱要推動,有助於國際教育成為學校正式課程,協助學生接軌世界。 五、 國際教育課程與活動規劃原則、規劃的方式與國際教育目標之達成 (一) 學校推動國際教育課程規劃的原則 1. 不影響學生課業與教師授課,以減少阻力。 2. 提升學業成績表現爭取教師與家長支持。 3. 保障弱勢與三年級學生參與權利。 (二) 國際教育課程規劃以課程融入為主,英語和社會科最易入門。 (三) 國際教育交流規劃方式以引進國際志工及視訊交流門檻較低,適合各校做為推動國際教育的入門方式。 (四) 國際教育校園國際化推動方式以校園國際情境佈置最易進行,辦理活動情境化布置,需要有校內共識。 六、 學校國際教育辦理方式與國際教育四大目標之達成 (一) 主要以在地特色、文化、鄉土教育課程、社會與歷史教學的方式促進學生的國家認同。 (二) 出國交流、引進國際志工、視訊交流、課程與閱讀、新住民文化的運用等,都可以達到提升國際素養的目的。 (三) 各校對應學生競爭力提升的方式主要以全面提升學生英語能力、特殊團隊觀摩與參賽強化競爭力、國際志工的觀摩學習和出國提升視野為主要方式。 (四) 透過對環保與重大議題的深入認識、對社區責任的深化與轉化與國際榜樣學習,可以達成培養學生全球責任感的目標。 七、 各校國際教育執行成效評估方式與實際成效 (一)學校在國際教育成效評估機制上,以採取非正式評估為主,因為既無評估增加負擔的壓力,又可收到實際改善推動成效的目的。 (二) 國際教育推動實質成效 1. 學生能力實質提升,包含對本土文化的了解、英語語言能力和文化理解力,並對國際教育活動參與意願提升。 2. 透過國際教育在地化,有效提升家長和社區對國際教育的參與及認同。 八、 國際教育推動經費取得方式 (一) 經費來源主要就是撰寫計畫、家長會、募款、參與者自費、課輔費結餘款等幾項。 (二) 透過國際教育在地化爭取家長的參與,可以降低學校費用負擔。 九、 國際教育跨校或跨學習階段推廣之作為 (一) 學校將國際教育資源分享給鄰近學校,除了利他因素外,實際上也存在著利己的成分,主要目的在擴大招生的成效。 (二) 同時有國中國小兩部的學校,多半是資源匱乏的地區,則以校內兩部彈性運用資源為主,協助校內國際教育的推動。 叁、參與人員感受與看法 一、主任與教師參與國際教育原始動機 (一) 主任參與國際教育原始動機主要為執行政策、協助學生與個人興趣。 (二) 教師參與國際教育原始動機主要是國際教育對學生有益處,也對自己有益處。 二、參與國際教育推動後校長、主任、教師所受到之影響與改變 (一) 推動國際教育對校長之影響與改變 1. 導入國際教育順遂的校長,可以感受到自身能力成長的和受到認同的愉悅。 2. 受到挫折的校長則顯得退卻,需要外部力量的協助,來解決其面對的困境。 (二) 推動國際教育對主任之影響與改變:各校主任都感受到國際教育推動的優點,自身能力增加、結交異國友人外,可以發現到因為參與而提高對國際教育的認同。 (三) 推動國際教育對教師之影響與改變:自身專業成長外,也強調感受到自身對學生的幫助之滿足感。 三、面對推動國際教育面臨與預期之落差校長、主任、教師之因應都採取正向思考的態度面對落差。 四、學校推動國際教育困難主要在於教師阻力、家長配合能力不足、缺乏自主經費以及政策、制度不完善。 五、對主管機關有關國際教育推動方面之期待 (一) 期待主管機關在經費、申請計畫、資訊與資源整合、外國人在臺就學等方面能有制度上的調整配合。 (二) 主管機關應在政策上採取鼓勵甚至強迫學校辦理國際教育,可以減少推動阻力。 (三) 對於個別學校的特殊情境,應針對問題給予協助,對症下藥。 六、對國際教育未來展望 (一) 學生能提升國際素養與英語能力,產生學習遷移,提高學業成就。 (二) 普及國際教育推動,師生全面參與。 (三) 由政府提供穩定的經費,以推動國際教育。 綜合前述研究結論,本研究提出以下建議: 壹、 對教育主管機關推動國際教育之建議 一、 推動國際教育須從校長的國際教育專業與理念強化著手。 二、 利用十二年國教課程綱要正式推動契機,引導學校發展國際教育。 三、 建立國際教育推動成效評估指標與評估機制。 四、 設置專責單位與人員,統整法令與資源,建立資訊整合平台,提供人才與交流訊息,並研議規劃解決國際教育推動學校之困難。 五、 設置語言學校協助外國來臺人士子女迅速適應本地語言和文化。 六、 簡化計畫申請流程,降低撰寫的難度,穩定提供國際教育推動經費,以利長遠規劃。 七、 提供偏鄉學校外籍師資駐校。 貳、 對推動國際教育學校未來推動之建議 一、 校長應具備國際教育推動專業素養和相關理念,並主導國際教育推動。 二、 學校應借用他校推動國際教育經驗,取得所需外部資源。 三、 校長應明確揭示學校推動國際教育目標與方向,使校內同仁有所依循。 四、 校長推動國際教育應考慮學校同仁工作負擔,並接納同仁的意見,據以改善現況。 五、 學校應強制教師參與國際教育專業研習,避免教師不瞭解而反對,並從中尋找對國際教育有興趣的同仁,加入核心團隊。 六、 學校應盤點地方特色和學校的特色團隊,作為國際教育的素材與交流媒介。 七、 學校應善用十二年課程綱要推動的機會,將國際教育納入正式課程。 八、 學校國際教育課程與活動之安排應避開考試時間,並避免影響教學進度,且關照弱勢學生參與的權利。 九、 引進國際志工與利用視訊交流是目前學校經費條件下,最為適合推動的交流模式。 十、 學校應建立國際教育成效評估指標,建構正式評估的機制。 十一、 評估學區家長經濟條件與對國際教育的支持度,選擇適合的國際教育推動方式。 十二、 了解學校教師可能參與之動機,提供適當誘因,鼓勵加入推動國際教育。 參、 對未來國際教育研究之建議 一、 加強個案研究深度,針對個案詳細描述分析,提供辦理典範。 二、 針對不同縣市的偏鄉國中個案進行研究,以了解不同縣市的差異。 三、 針對偏鄉國中推動國際教育的相關問題,採取問卷普查,了解整體趨勢。 四、 運用行動研究,解決個案學校推動國際教育困境。


Abstract This research is intended on five junior high schools in remote areas in Taichung. By interviewing the principals, and one director and one teacher for each school attending the promotion of international education, this research is going to find out how international education has been developing, including the status and opportunities for triggering the development, the arrangement and fulfillment of international education, and the mindset of participants. Thus, the researcher can find out how remote junior high schools arrange promotion of international education under tough conditions, and make some suggestion for educational authorities and schools intending to promote international education. The findings of this research are as follows: 1. The basis and opportunities for developing international education (1) Developing international education as spotlight of school can help pass it down. (2) Background and experience of the principal can affect the development of international education for school. (3) The opportunities for developing international education A. The principal’s resolution for developing international education and his assignment of right person to do it is the main cause for successful international education. B. Helping educational authorities with international education activities and following the government policy to apply for resource is helpful for school to acquire the resource for developing international education and also build its own resource network. 2. Findings in the arrangement and fulfillment of international education (1) Leadership of the principal A. Respecting teachers’ suggestion and willingness, reducing their burden, and reaching agreement with them will make the development smooth. B. The principal should play the role to make the decision, to support carrying it out, and to collect resource for it; however, if he can also play the role to make the plan, the development will be more efficient. (2) The way of administrative operation and assignment A. Administrative operation should be led by the principal, and administrative colleagues should be in charge of planning with all of the administrative offices participating in while the teachers are in charge of teaching; meanwhile, the operation should keep elastic, changing with time and adapting with different cases. B. Generally, schools consider English ability important for participants, and getting students’ parents’ agreement to participate can make international education perform well. C. Participants’ professional improvements and causes for keeping participating a. Learning by doing is basically regarded as the best way for professional improvements. b. Main causes for teachers to participate in international education include professional improvement and willingness to benefit students; however, teachers might have individual reasons. (3) How local specialty used in international education A. Local industry, cultures, arts, natural scenes, school clubs and teams are all local specialty, which can be made use of in international education. B. The main functions of local specialty used in international education are to help students identify with our own country, to be used as something exchangeable, to make Taiwan known by foreign friends, and to be material for English learning. (4) Enacting 12-year education curriculum is to make international education formal school curriculum, helping students connect with the world. (5) Principles for planning, ways of planning and fulfillment of the goals A. Principles for planning a. International education should not interfere students’ learning and teachers’ teaching; thus, the opposition can decrease. b. With students’ learning record improving, international education can win more support from teachers and parents. c. Schools should guarantee the right of the inferior to participating international education. B. Immerging with other curriculum is the main way for international education to be taught in class, and English and social studies are the easiest ones to be immerged with. C. Application of international volunteers and internet visual link is the easiest way for schools to promote international education exchange. D. The purpose of environmental internationalization at school is usually reached by decoration; however, creating international atmosphere by activities needs more support from colleagues. (6) Ways to reach the four main goals of international education A. Application of local specialty, cultures, native curriculum, social and historical education can help students identify with our country. B. Going abroad, application of international volunteers, internet visual link, daily curriculum, reading and application of new comer culture, etc. can help students acquire international perspectives. C. Improving students’ English ability, watching and participating international competition, learning for international volunteers and going abroad to broaden perspectives are the main way for schools to improve students’ international competition ability. D. Students can build sense of responsibility for the globe by caring for environmental protection and other important global issues, transferring responsibility for local community to for the globe, and learning from role model built by international volunteers. (7) Ways to evaluate the effect of international education and the real effect of international education A. Schools usually apply informal ways to evaluate the effect of international education; thus, the work load can decrease. B. The real effect a. Students’ ability improves, including their understanding of local culture, English ability and cultural understanding ability, and willingness to participating international education. b. Parents and residents of the community tend to support and participate in international education activities when schools localize international activities. (8) Financial support for international education A. Making plans to apply for, parents’ associations, fundraising, self-pay and school fund are the main source for finance. B. With localization of international education, more parents are able to participate and support for international education. (9) Sharing resources of international education with schools of different levels A. Schools might share their resources to schools nearby to elevate their own reputation for the purpose of attracting more students to enroll. B. Some schools combining elementary and junior high levels on one campus tend to share resource between different levels within the school. 3. Mindset of participants (1) Motivation of directors and teachers participating A. Directors tend to participate for carrying out school policy, benefiting students, and their own interest. B. Teachers tend to participate for benefiting students, and their own interest. (2) Effect on principals, directors, and teachers after participating A. Effect on principals a. Doing well in international education can make them more professional and confident. b. Doing bad in international education can make them frustrated and retreated, and thus, they would need more policy support from the authority. B. Effects on directors: all the directors agree that they learn a lot, make friends, and become more willing to support international education. C. Effects on teachers: teachers learn a lot and feel satisfied for benefiting students. (3) Facing the difference between expectation and reality, principals, director, and teachers all adopt the positive attitude, and never give up. (4) Difficulties for international education come from opposition of teachers, insufficient ability of parents, bad financial condition and unfriendly policy and ruling system. (5) Expectation on authorities about international education A. The authority should be able to do more about financial support, making application easier, integrity of information and resources, and helping foreigners studying in Taiwan. B. The authority should encourage or even force schools to promote international education with policy; thus, the opposition against it would decrease. C. The authority should make plans to solve problems faced by some schools with special condition; thus, problems can be solved with right policy. 6. Expectation for future international education (1) Students can broaden their perspectives, raise English ability, and also improve their performance record at school. (2) International education can be widely participated by teachers and students. (3) The government should provide steady financial support for international education. Suggestions from this research are as follows: 1. Suggestion for the authority to promote international education (1) To promote international education, principals should be equipped with related professional background and ideas. (2) The authority should make use of the enacting of 12-year curriculum to guide schools to start promoting international education. (3) The authority should build effect evaluation index and promote an evaluation system for international education. (4) The authority should establish a unique office responsible for international education to help solve problems for schools promoting international education. (5) The authority should establish language schools to help foreign kids to adapt to our school system. (6) The authority should simplify the application procedure, easing the application form and provide steady fund to help schools make a long term plan for international education. (7) The authority should provide remote schools with foreign teachers. 2. Suggestions for schools intending to promote international education (1)The principal should be equipped with related professional knowledge and willing to lead promotion of international education. (2) Schools should find reference from other experienced schools, and thus get the resources needed for international education. (3) The principal should reveal goals and directions of international education to make colleagues follow. (4) The principal should consider the work load of colleagues and consider suggestions from them with open-minded (5) Schools should force teachers to participate in international education work shop, and thus they will not be against it because of misunderstanding or ignorance; schools can also make use of this opportunity to find right person joining the core group for international education. (6) Schools should pull local specialty and school teams together to be media and material of international education. (7) Schools should make use of the enacting of 12-year curriculum to include international education in the formal curriculum. (8) Schools should avoid affecting test and teaching, and take care of the inferior while arranging international education activities. (9) Recruiting international volunteers and applying internet visual link might be the best way for international exchange for education under this financial condition. (10)Schools should establish its own evaluation index and system to evaluate the effect of international education. (11)Schools should evaluate financial status around the schools to find out proper ways to do international education. (12) Schools should find out individual motivation for participating in international education, so as to provide proper reward for them. 3. Suggestions for future research (1) Future research can focus on individual case study to provide a model for international education. (2) Future study can aim at remote junior high schools at different cities to understand the difference among different areas in Taiwan. (3)Future research can use questionnaire to acquire more data about how remote junior schools do international education. (4) Future research can use action research to focus on solving problems faced by one school which is promoting international education.


