  • 學位論文


The Moderating Effect of Sales Promotion on the Relationship between Interactivity and Advertisement Effect: The Case of Social Media

指導教授 : 黃佑安


社群媒體可以具備個人化設定,可隨時隨地的收發訊息、交流互動,使得社群媒體使用普及率升高,業者發覺其中商機,將其作為廣告媒介,相較於傳統媒體,更容易直接接觸消費者,也運用了社群媒體互動性(主動控制/即時性)的特色,改變了單方面接受訊息的模式,加強處理事情速度,利用社群媒體的特性與消費者進行溝通,以及加入促銷活動(金錢性/非金錢性),對於廣告效果(廣告態度/購買意願)的影響。 本研究探討促銷活動(金錢性/非金錢性)對互動性廣告的廣告效果之影響。研究結果發現,互動性廣告對於廣告效果均有正向影響,互動性廣告的主動控制非金錢促銷資訊不清楚時,對於購買意願是有減弱效果,以及互動性廣告的即時性金錢促銷的互動性較低時,會減弱購買意願,其餘促銷活動對於互動性廣告的廣告效果皆為增強效果。此外本研究進一步發現,若互動廣告的即時性,加入議價時,則會更增強廣告效果。


The popularity of social media has been increasing due to its function of personalized settings, which allows for the sending and receiving of messages and interactions anytime and anywhere. Many operators have recognized this opportunity and turned to social media as an advertising medium. Compared with traditional media, social media make it easier to reach consumers directly. The interactive nature of social media (active control/ synchronicity) has also been utilized to change the mode of receiving information unilaterally. Social media increase the speed of handling things, utilize the characteristics of social media to communicate with consumers, and incorporate promotions (monetary/non-monetary) that have an impact on advertising effectiveness (advertising attitude/purchase intention). This study investigated the effect of promotions (monetary/non-monetary) on the advertising effectiveness of interactive advertising. It was found that interactive advertising had a positive effect on advertising effectiveness. When the active control of non-monetary promotional information of interactive advertising was not clear, there was a weakening effect on purchase intention. When the interactivity of real-time monetary promotions of interactive advertising was low, it would weaken the willingness to buy. The rest of the promotions had an enhancing effect on interactive advertising. Moreover, this study further found that if the real-time nature of interactive advertising was added to the bargaining, the advertising effect would be enhanced.


一、 中文部分
1. 石家彥(2014)。《行動廣告互動性與廣告效果之研究》。國立中央大學企業管理研究所碩士論文
2. 何彥禛(2015)。《Instagram行動廣告對強化顧客關係品質之影響》。國立中興大學科技管理研究所碩士學位論文
3. 吳姝霆(2018)。《產品涉入度、互動性和廣告訴求對廣告效果之影響-以互動廣告擴增實境應用為例》。國立臺灣師範大學大眾傳播研究所碩士論文
