  • 學位論文


A Study on Generation Gap Myth in Marketing

指導教授 : 王秉鈞


本研究主要探討世代的觀點(如嬰兒潮世代、X 世代、Y 世代等)是否是迷思現象。吾人以為區分不同世代的做法過於主觀,導致所謂代溝發生最主要之原因常為生活經驗的差異所造成。因此,本研究主要探討在態度及價值觀是否會因年齡的不同而造成差異,研究假說設計為世代不同對於態度及觀念上有差異之現象,並且反向驗證並無世代的差異現象。   本研究有效問卷為867 份,樣本年齡層限制為15 歲至65 歲之隨機抽樣方式,研究設計將樣本操作為三個年齡層為一代,並且平均移動一單位至65 歲年齡層。透過問卷分析的方式探討不同年齡層間對於態度如產品喜好程度,以及觀念如社會事件與金錢價值觀上是否有代溝差異現象存在。   研究結果發現,不論在態度或價值觀方面,存在無世代年齡層差異的現象。本研究認為不論美國世代論或台灣年齡制皆無法單以生理年齡做解釋,嚴格來看僅有大範圍的世代差距,充其量可稱其為世代斷層。因此,本研究在此打破行銷觀點中以年齡差距為主因之世代原罪論的說法。


The study focuses on the generation gap concepts (i.e. baby boomers, X-generationers, Y-generationers, etc.), and whether these terms are myths. We think that it is too subjective to distinguish people by different ages. However, we believe that the reason leading to the generation gaps is due to different individual life experiences. Therefore, this study is to explore the variations in attitudes and values of different ages.Hypotheses are drawn that different generations vary in attitudes and values; however, we want to nullify the myths of generation phenomenon in reality.   There are 867 valid samples, from 15 to 65 years-old on random bases. The study assigns one generation to include three ages, from G1 (age 16 to 18) moves to G49 (age63 to 65). Then through the questionnaire analysis, we explored whether there existed variations of attitudes, product preferences, and values differences among different generation groups.   The results showed variations both in attitude or values among different generation groups. Whether the generation gap concept of United States or age grade concept in Taiwan is unable to explain the behavioral trends among age groups. Thus, there exist none of the generation gaps phenomenon. Therefore, we break the saying of the original sin of generation gaps in marketing.


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