  • 學位論文


From disaster management to see the marketing of the overall image of the Military—take the Typhoon Morakot for example

指導教授 : 廖淑伶


近年來,國軍肇生多起重大軍、風紀或傷亡、洩密事件,造成社會大眾一面倒的指責國軍紀律鬆散或疏於訓練,不然就是質疑部隊的管教觀念落伍,內部管理不透明,甚而質疑國軍部隊,進而產生極不信任、輕視的態度,嚴重傷害國軍形象,造成軍人形象不佳、社會地位低落、官兵自信心不足之窘況。 鑑於全球氣候變遷,不斷重創全球各地,我國亦無法置身於天然的災害之外,逢此,國軍官兵每每深入救災最前線,而無畏惡劣天候,無懼險惡環境,日以繼夜的全力投入救災與復原收容工作,以確保國人生命財產之安全。 國軍為了扭轉外界觀點,絞盡腦汁採取諸多措施,包括公開漢光演習成果、公佈國防報告書及參與救災行動。種種作法,均是為了拉近與民眾間之距離,重塑國軍優質形象。然而,上述作為又以參與救災行動最能打動民心,獲得民眾高度認同與讚許。 本研究以2009年的「莫拉克風災」為例,並從媒體報導所行塑與呈現的國軍「品牌形象」與「品牌個性」的角度,探討國軍形象塑造可以採用的行銷策略,研究發現國防部透過「發佈救災兵力、特別行動等救災實況」、「提供部隊救災行動的具體行動概要、救災進度及最新救災成果」、「主動提供媒體有關國軍救災的英勇事蹟、犧牲奉獻、捨己為人之感人故事」、「主動提供國軍救災行動中的專業考量因素與背景知識」等策略,並藉由「主動提供媒體救災進度與具體成果」、「運用軍事新聞通訊社發佈新聞」、「開設新聞協處中心與新聞處理中心」、「派遣軍機搭載媒體記者深入災區採訪」、「協請中央社發佈國軍救災成效」等方法,進行國軍整體形象行銷,期能建立一套可大、可久,且政府、民眾均能接受的模式,使軍人能培養正確的觀念,瞭解自己的角色(定位),掌握民眾(顧客)的需求,深化民眾對國軍支援災害防救任務的正確認知,表現出合乎組織與社會期待的作為,獲取人民的信賴與支持,形塑國軍整體形象,提升官兵自信心。


In recent years, there have been severe disciplinary incidents in the armed forces, which have caused serious harms to military personnel and damages to military secrecy. All of these also generate negative images about the military in society, and the public opinions have blamed the military for the lack of appropriate training and strict discipline. The transparency of the internal management has been critical as well. Critical voices distrust, and even discredit, the military. This hostility has damaged the image of the armed forces and lower the social status of the military and the self-esteem of officers and the rank-and-files. Due to climate change, harsh weather conditions have occurred around the world, there is no exception to our country. The armed forces have marched to the forefront of natural disasters without the fear of harsh and dangerous weather conditions in order to undertake the tasks of rescue and recovery and to ensure the safety of our citizens and their properties. The military has designed many policies in order to improve their images in the public, including the publication of the achievement of the Han Guang military maneuver, the national defense report, and the rescuing missions undertaken in disasters. These actions of communications aim to fill the gap between the civilians. Among these actions, the participation in the rescue by the military can generate the highest level of support by the citizens. This research utilizes the example of the disaster of Typhoon Morakot in 2009 to explore the strategies of the communication of the military via the perspective of ‘brand images’ and ‘brand characteristics’. This research argues that through ‘the publication of the number of soldiers deployed for the rescue and the broadcast of special actions’, ‘the provisions of the summaries of special action, the progress of rescue and the latest achievement’, ‘the provisions of the stories and heroic rescues and sacrifices’, ‘the provisions of professional knowledge and analyses’, ‘the provisions of the rescue achievements for the media’, ‘the publication of the related news by the military’s media’, ‘the establishment of news co-ordinating and processing centers’, ‘the transportation of journalists to the spots of disasters with military aircrafts’, and ‘the co-ordination with the central news agency for the release of the relevant news’, the military can set up a model of the strategies of communication and marketing, which can last long and influence pervasively and can be accepted by the government and the citizens. This, in turn, can facilitate the proper ideas for the military and can allow them to comprehend their own roles and the needs of the people, so that the correct understanding of the rescue mission can be consolidated. The military can thus demonstrate their ability and undertake actions in accordance with the social demands and can derive more supports from the civilians to reform the images of the armed forces and their own confidence.


1.王一芝(2009),「說故事行銷 精品業經驗 好品牌怎麼說故事?」,《台灣遠見雜誌》,2009/5/22。


邱偉哲(2007)。憂鬱症對於實際勞動表現之影響: 以勞工保險殘廢給付之病人為例〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2007.03232
