  • 學位論文


The Optimum Storage and Picking Route Planning for Photo Masks Material

指導教授 : 胡黃德


在彩色影像顯示器生產過程中,需經過複雜的微影過程,並且使用光罩來進行曝光工程。以液晶顯示器之薄膜電晶體製程為例,要完成該製程需3~6道曝光製程。彩色濾光片製程亦需4~7道曝光製程,故光罩為其生產製程中之重要材料。本研究的主要目的在於運用儲位規劃的方式,針對現有CF廠光罩儲位管理以及揀取路徑進行佈置規劃,希望在適當之儲位規劃與考量光罩揀取路徑,得到一個最佳的佈置方案。經由有效之規劃後,同時更可以減少無謂之光罩揀取距離,減少生產之前置時間,並可避免因光罩揀取錯誤而導致生產錯誤之事件發生。本研究針對揀貨路徑策略,搭配不同訂單數量的揀取,運用Matlab程式運算,在1,000次模擬訂單下,評估各組合下的績效表現,以完成訂單揀取的最短揀貨旅行距離評估。其結果顯示,最短旅行迴圈插入法普遍優於最大間隙揀取策略,並隨揀貨數量而影響差異距離越大。為使訂單揀取與最短之揀貨路徑能適當結合,本研究運用Visual Basic6.0程式執行畫面,以呈現最佳路徑,使揀貨員可依此路徑揀取物品,達到省時正確之目的。


For the production of colorful flat panel display, it needs the photo mask during photolithography processes. The Thin Film Transistor (TFT) requires 3~6 masks in the exposure processes and the Color Filter needs 4~7 masks. Therefore, photo mask is the important material of the TFT production process. The purpose of this research was to investigate the photo mask storage allocation planning and picking routes for the color filter factory. By the appropriate plan of the mask storage and picking routes, it can reduce the ineffective tracks and the lead-time of production. We evaluated the picking routes strategy performance of every arrangement by the simulation of 1,000 orders and the result showed that Minimum Traveling Loop Insertion (MTLI) method is better than Largest Gap Strategy (LGS) method. When the picking number is larger, MTLI shows much superior. For the match of the picking order and the shortest picking path, the software displays the best route utilizing the Visual Basic 6.0 program. So that, the picking operators can picks the photo masks efficiently and correctly.


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