  • 學位論文

DMA營運商之IPTV服務與經營模式- 以蘋果電視(Apple TV)為例

IPTV Service & Business Model Analysis for DMA Operators – Taking AppleTV as a Case Study

指導教授 : 鄭雅穗


隨著網際網路基礎建設已趨普及、寬頻與無線網路的技術與應用更成熟,使得網路是人們生活中獲取資訊不可缺少的管道。以往必須在電腦前完成的資料分享、互動遊戲、影音娛樂等數位內容與生活,將來勢必在數位電視的普及下,由具備較佳的互動性、個性化的網路電視所取代。 因此,探索前景未明且不易獲利網路電視產業,其創新之營運模式與未來網路電視所帶來的影響與挑戰,極具研究價值,為本研究之主要動機。本研究方法採用定性研究的個案研究法,以回顧文獻、次級資料,及個案研究等方式進行,並將三種方式所獲得的資料進行彙整、研究分析,歸納整理出IPTV產業發展現況與趨勢,並提出該產業之管理意涵。 本研究個案方面以DMA營運商的角度,透過經營模式分析、五力分析,以及SWOT分析,找出Apple在IPTV產業中的競爭力與競爭優勢,並且提出Apple TV之經營模式與策略建言。 最後,藉由IPTV產業與個案之分析,以確認IPTV服務業者所面臨的機會與挑戰,提出科技面、市場面、政策面,以及經營面之研究發現,並且針對網路電視發展現況、DMA業者IPTV營運模式提出結論與建議。


Due to the fact that Internet infrastructure, broadband technology, and wireless appliance are getting more mature and popular, Internet has become an important and necessary channel to access the information in our daily life. Although most activities in our digital life such as data sharing, online games, and media entertainment have to be done in front of PC, this behavior will be gradually taken place by digitalized TV. Everyone can do the same thing on digital TV in the living room, even by more interactive and personalized Internet Protocol Television (IPTV). Therefore, exploring the unclear business model of IPTV industry and studying its effect and challenge in the near future motivates my thesis writing. The methodology of this research is using qualitative case study. We first reviewed the literature about the Digital Media Adapter (DMA) industry and most business models by the vendors, we then study IPTV via secondary data analysis and case study. We take Apple Company as the case study company, and tried to analyze AppleTV’s business models using Five Forces analysis and SWOT analysis to figure out Apple’s competitive advantages in leading the IPTV industry from the view point of DMA operators. We conclude with the situation and trend of IPTV industry, some competitive business strategies of Apple, and we provide suggestions of business models for DMA operators in the IPTV industry.


IPTV Digital Media Adapter Apple


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