  • 學位論文


Interactive Artificial Life with Emotional Design

指導教授 : 李其瑋


近年來人們開始重視各種設計上對使用者的情感表現,許多科技發展也開始重視「人因工程」領域,而人工智慧的發展,更結合了「科技」與「人性」的設計。近年來人工智慧的重要發展領域人工生命,其技術發展解決了許多虛擬角色於行為動作上不自然的表現,而目前人工生命領域多以物理或機械角度切入,強調生物擬真的行為動作,但當人工生命面對複雜的人類活動時,則無法從心理層面提出合理的行為及情緒反應。本研究希望藉由情感設計相關理論原則,發展出適合人工生命的情感設計模型,提高人工生命面於對人類活動時之反應的合理與真實性,並引發使用者情緒感知,進而產生記憶。 本研究主要探討以情感設計為基礎的互動式人工生命設計,結合情感設計及人機互動設計理論與案例,發展「互動式情感設計原則」,應用情緒心理學及人工生命技術,建立「虛擬生物行為模型」,並依據這些原則與模型,實際設計、測詴與評估「導入情感設計的互動式人工生命」,最後依據評估與分析,證明「導入情感設計的互動式人工生命」的確能引發使用者與虛擬生物間情感上的聯結,也能產生美好的回憶,而虛擬生物與使用者互動時,更能適時反應出合理的情緒與行為表現。


Emotional design and human factors engineering have received attention in many fields of design. To design digital virtual characters, technique of artificial intelligence such as artificial life is also a way to enrich their actions and behaviors. So far behaviors of virtual characters are mainly simulated by means of physical and mechanical principles. Psychological and emotional factors are seldom considered in the design. In this paper, a design method for virtual characters and life forms is analyzed and implemented. With the combination of interface design and emotional design, behavior model of virtual characters is inducted. A system simulating virtual life forms is designed and evaluated to see if the criteria of emotional design are satisfied. It is concluded that virtual characters based on emotional and interface design can enhance the experience of user interactions with digital content.


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