  • 學位論文


The Business Model of International Galleries in 798 Art District

指導教授 : 謝慧中


近年來,國際藝術品市場掀起對中國當代藝術的關注,其中跨國畫廊為中國當代藝術發展的重要推手。跨國畫廊在二○○二年首次入駐北京798藝術區,自此北京798藝術區成為中國重要的跨國畫廊群聚之處,原因在於798藝術區不僅是北京的新地標,亦是中國當代藝術發展的重要據點,其不論在當代藝術發展意義、畫廊規模及數量皆最具代表與重要性。 對於中國當代藝術市場而言,跨國畫廊是使其第一市場完善的重要角色。擁有多年經驗的跨國畫廊在藝術家代理制度、經營模式及藏家服務上皆使中國市場煥然一新且更具國際平台的條件。然而中國當代藝術市場環境,與西方截然不同,跨國畫廊必需採取不同的經營策略以因應變化迅速的中國市場,故本研究將藉由分析跨國畫廊在中國的藝術家選擇方式、訂價策略、行銷模式及其優勢與困境以了解其經營模式與中國藝術市場的關係,同時透過對聚集經濟理論與798藝術區關係的探討,使跨國畫廊在地點的選擇與評估上,能有依據的指標及評估的方向並促使跨國畫廊更清楚掌握自我之優勢以發揮其影響,並在中國永續發展。


Chinese contemporary art has caught the international art market’s attention since the past few years, in which the international galleries in China are the important promoters. Since the first international gallery established in the Beijing 798 Art District in 2002, the District has become the most important agglomeration locale of international galleries. The 798 is not only the landmark of Beijing but also the stronghold of the Chinese contemporary art. The international galleries are better experienced in art dealership, gallery administration and collectors’ service that bring the new concept and business model to the Chinese art market. The art market environment in China is different from the Western market; the international galleries have to adopt different strategies for the rapid change and growth of Chinese art market. This research discusses the artists chosen, marketing strategies, pricing strategies and the SWOT analysis of international galleries in 798 to figure out how they operate in China. And finally, some suggestions are addressed for the development and sustainability of international galleries.


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