  • 學位論文

產業技術傳承方式之研究--- 一個包含師徒制與教導之新模型

A Study of Technical Skill-Transfer within a Company—An Effective Apprenticeship and Coaching Model

指導教授 : 任恆毅




技術傳承 師徒制 QCC 激勵 技術掌門人 大師兄 小師弟


To effectively reduce the technical skill-transfer gap is an important issue for the business to survive in the competing world. Implicitly, many tools such as internal education and training, QC (Quality Control) seven tools, 6-σ, QCC (Quality Control Circle), etc, are commonly used to facilitate this technical skill-transfer. The technical skill-transfer is through these improvement schemes to equip the technical employees with better skills. On the other hand, some businesses may use explicit technical skill-transfer scheme like apprenticeship or coaching. Apprenticeship or coaching can provide an environment for senior technical employees to teach the problem-solving skills and craftsmanship to junior ones, thus the critical technical skills can be transferred. These explicit schemes rely upon the good teaching of masters and the learning of their disciples. Explicitly or implicitly, the purposes of those technical skill-transfer schemes are to improve the performance results and to survive the business. However, the motivations between the masters and disciples, the way of teaching should be carefully addressed to make the apprenticeship or coaching a success. This study proposes an effective apprenticeship/coaching model which takes the concepts from quality improvement tools: QCC and 6-σ for addressing the teaching and motivation needs of apprenticeship. Besides, the eastern Chinese Kung-Fu idea of bonded master/disciple is incorporated in the model to form the technical skill-transfer system. A case of a bearing manufacturing company which is introducing the western apprenticeship system is studied. This company has long been using quality improvement tools to train the technical employees. Using semi-structural interview, the results identified the key successful factors of the apprenticeship and indirectly showed the effectiveness of the proposed model.


skill transfer apprenticeship QCC motivation


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