  • 學位論文


The study of shuttle bus service quality and customer satisfaction - A case of High Speed Rail Taoyuan Station.

指導教授 : 丁慶榮


台灣高鐵車站當初因建設時以區域發展為考量,大部分選擇了在較偏僻的地區設置鐵道和車站,所以高鐵車站大都位於非都市區,因此搭乘運具前往高鐵車站是不可或缺的交通方式之一,而本研究針對桃園高鐵站的接駁公車使用問卷調查法進行服務品質與顧客滿意度的研究。 本研究針對有搭乘接駁公車到達高鐵桃園站的旅客進行問卷發放,並使用獨立樣本t檢定(Independent-Samples t Test)、單因子變異數分析(One-Way ANOVA)、成對t檢定(Paired-Samples t Test)、因素分析(Factor Analysis)、迴歸分析(Regression Analysis),對回收到的問卷做資料統計分析,驗證其本研究假設的服務品質與顧客滿意度之間的關聯性,再利用重要性-績效分析(Importance-Performance Analysis, IPA)找出服務品質各問項所落在的象限中。 根據本研究結果顯示,針對所有搭乘接駁公車的旅客而言,事前期望與實際接觸有顯著差異、旅客基本資料對於服務品質和顧客滿意度都有顯著差異、服務品質之實際接觸對於顧客滿意度有顯著差異。 但是針對搭乘接駁公車並轉乘高鐵的旅客而言,事前期望與實際接觸顯著差異、旅客基本資料對於服務品質有顯著差異、服務品質之實際接觸對於顧客滿意度有顯著差異及旅客搭乘運具相關資料對服務品質有顯著差異。 最後研究結果發現搭乘接駁公車的旅客及轉乘高鐵的旅客都對於接駁公車班次的密集程度存在著高重要度但低滿意度的狀態,因此接駁公車班次的密集程度為客運公司最主要改善的項目。


High speed rail transportation is a favorable mode over air transportation for inter-city travel in Taiwan in recent years. However, the high speed rail stations are located at rural area for economic development purpose when it was originally planned. Thus, the inconvenience of accessing the station is one of the major complains by passengers. This can be observed that only 9% of passengers used bus transit as the access model to and from the station. This research discusses relationship among customers’ characteristics, customers’ expected service quality, customer’s perceived service quality, and customers’ satisfaction on the bus service to the high speed rail station. To conduct the study, a questionnaire is designed and distributed at the Taoyuan high speed rail station for one week in June 2012. Four service dimensions: comfort, reliability, responsiveness, and convenience, are categorized. 327 questionnaires are collected and analyzed with SPSS. The results reveals that the top three important expected service quality attributes are: bus on time reliability, bus stop accessibility, and convenience to the destination. The top three satisfied perceived service quality are: convenience to the destination, bus on-time reliability, and environment of bus stop. It is also noted that the perceived service quality is lower that customer’s expected service quality and the difference is significant. The perceived service quality has positive relationship with customers’ satisfaction. Male and female passengers do not show significant difference in both expected and perceived service quality and satisfaction, while the passengers’ age shows significant difference in service quality and satisfaction. Importance-Performance Analysis was used to identify customer perceived factors that needed to be prioritized for improvement. It is found that improving the bus frequency is the first priority for both the high speed rail company and the bus operating company.


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