  • 學位論文


The Strategic Matrices of Cultural & Creative Industries Park-Base on Firm Perspective

指導教授 : 謝志宏


臺灣具有豐富的中華傳統文化,同時也擁有移民社會文化、殖民時期文化以及海洋文化的特性,這些都是豐厚的文化資產。為推廣文化創意產業政府在2012年5月正式成立文化部,並先後設置了許多文化創意園區,主要用意在於聚集相關產業在同一個區域,透過彼此的互動及資訊交流,達到群聚效應的目的。因此,本研究主要以文創相關廠商的角度探討政府在文化創意產業應該如何投入才有助於促進廠商及產業蓬勃發展。 本研究調查對象以臺灣地區的文化創意相關廠商之高階管理者,探討其對於所屬企業在文創產業的基礎與加值能力、文創績效以及其認為政府在文創產業中的作為。並發展出策略矩陣,探討各群組中廠商的特性,且融入廠商的實際個案來驗證本研究所歸納出的幾項文發展文創產業的關鍵因素。透過因素分析,本研究萃取出「廠商人力資本」、「廠商運用資源能力」「廠商基礎與加值能力」、「政府提供環境」以及「文創績效」等幾項變數,其中經過迴歸分析,本研究發現「政府提供環境」對於「廠商基礎與加值能力」具有影響能力。因此,欲發展文創產業,政府所扮演的角色非常重要。


Taiwan full of traditional Chinese culture, migratory society culture, colonial period culture and Oceanic Culture, those are abundant cultural heritage. In order to promote Cultural & Creative Industry, Taiwan government set up Ministry of Culture on May 20th in 2012 and builds up several Cultural Creative Industrial Park around Taiwan to collect the relative firms in the same area to achieve the Cluster Effect by interact and information sharing. Hence, The research focus on firm level perspective to discuss how should our government do to assist the industry become flourishing? The research takes the manager or CEO of the relative firms in Taiwan as subjective and discusses how they think about their basic and value-added ability, the performance of culture creative and how they think about the performance of government in the industry. Than, to develop the strategic matrix and discuss the characteristic of the firms and some key factors to progress the cultural creative industry by discuss the real cases. By the analysis of factor, this research finds out some variables. And the finding shows that the environment provided by government will influence the firms’ basic and value-added ability. Hence, the role of government will become very important if Taiwan wants to promote Cultural & Creative industry.


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