  • 學位論文


Composite Buildings Performance-based for Fire Safety Verification Technique to Study

指導教授 : 林誠興


隨著科技的進步與經濟活動蓬勃發展,臺灣的建築技術亦突飛猛進,但受限於島嶼之土地利用,僅能往上或往地下興建超高層建築物,來滿足不同使用者之需求。尤其是同一棟既有建築物從原有單一用途變更為兩種以上用途者比比皆是,甚至有愈來愈多之趨勢,最常發現的用途形式是一樓或單一樓層作為營業場所,二樓以上或其他樓層作為住所使用。然而這些作為營業場所之樓層,其營業型態是容易造成公共安全危害者,例如瓦斯行、機車行、金香炮竹店、酒店、PUB、KTV、舞廳等場所,如果未能有效做好防火工程與消防設備安裝等自主管理作為,更不用提消防/營建主管機關等之被動稽核,所以,這類場所發生火災必定造成重大傷亡,並波及鄰近地區。 因此,本研究利用一個低樓層複合用途之既有建築物為案例,使用美國國家標準技術局暨建築與火災研究實驗室(NIST / BFRL)之FDS火災模擬軟體以及CFD熱流場模擬軟體PHOENICS,以性能設計方式來進行防火安全之驗證研究。提供一個適用於本土化替代規格式設計安全驗證方法,包括鋼筋混凝土物理/化學變化與結構受火後之應力變化分析,不僅可以更具彈性與效率,而且還可以改善低樓層建築物之性能式設計在法規應用之適切性。亦可應用於高樓層建築物,將有助於性能式法規制訂、建築物防火安全規劃設計與工程改善等提供參考資訊。


Along with advances in scientific technology and flourished economic activity Taiwan architectural techniques developed by leaps and bounds, but limited land use in Island, high-rise building or basement constructions have erected to meet the needs of different users. Besides this, the existing original single-use building has changed for two or more uses abounds even more and more the trend. To use a single floor or the first floor as a business place is the most common type, the second floor and above floors used for residence. However, the floors of business places, such as a gas store, a motorcycle store, firecracker and ghost money incenses shop, a hotel, PUB, KTV, dancing halls and other places, which are likely to cause public hazards. If there was no effective self-management matters like fire engineering and fire equipment installation, and even lack of the passive audit from the fire or the construction competent authorities, this will certainly result in heavy fire casualties, and spread to ambient areas. This study is taking a low-rise multiple purpose of existing buildings as an example, using the American National Standards Institute of Technology / the Building and Fire Research Laboratory (NIST / BFRL) derived FDS fire simulation software, and the CFD heat flow field simulation software PHOENICS, to simulate with a performance design way for fire safety verification studies. Provide one for the localization of alternative Prescriptive-based design security verification methods, including reinforced concrete physical / chemical changes and after fire structural analysis by stress variation. The simulation results not only have more flexibility and efficiency, but also can improve the performance design of low-rise as well as high-rise buildings in the appropriateness of the application of the regulations. That will contribute to the performance-based regulation formulation, and to provide reference information for building fires safety planning design, engineering improvements.


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【7】Brian J. Meacham, Richard L. P. Custer, “Performance-Based Fire Safety Engineering: an Introduction of Basic Concepts,” Journal of Fire Protection Engineering, Vol. 7, pp. 35-53, May 1995.
