  • 學位論文


Electronics Factory Firefighting Tactics and Fire Safety Settings Assessment

指導教授 : 林誠興


摘 要 由於近年來經濟快速轉型,產業、科技不斷提升,工商發達,生活水準提高,固然帶來物質文明的成果,然而因文化背景之不同,其工廠廠房設立之消防設施,對火災之防範發揮有限,由於火災的高溫濃煙上伴隨著大量的有毒氣體將造成人員的傷亡以及財務的損失(在目前科學中仍無法精確預測) ,工廠內部裝潢、消防設備、避難逃生設施、滅火設備、防火牆設施等等亦相形重要,在這樣的時空環境之下,平時對於未來的災害與預防,便成為防災計畫的重要工作。消防搶救常靠經驗的累積,但有時『經驗』須付出很大的代價。 本研究使用NIST(美國國家標準局火災實驗室)所發展之FDS(Fire Dynamics Simulator),模擬工廠火災之各種情境。經過FDS的火災模式計算後,所得到的火場溫度、壓力、流速、一氧化碳、能見度等重要參數的分佈狀況,進而利用這些數據來分析討論各個火場的情況。此外,增加消防設備,如撒水系統、排煙設備(強制排煙)等,希望藉由分析的結果,來討論及改進消防戰術戰技之運用,以降低火災對人員的傷害,另外,以提升消防搶救的效率。


火災 場模式


Abstract As in recent year, rapid economic transformation, industry and science and technology continue promotion, business development improved living standards. Of course it brings material achievements, but because of different cultural backgrounds, the efficiency of fire equipment established in the former factory is limited. Due to high temperature fire smoke and large amounts of toxic gases causing casualties and financial losses (in the current scientific technique still cannot accurately predict), thus the factory interior decorations, evacuation facilities fire-fighting facilities, firewall etc. which are increasingly important. In this space-time environment, future planning of fire prediction and disaster prevention has become an important task. Fire rescue often rely on accumulated experience but sometimes "experience" to be very costly. This thesis is using FDS (Fire Dynamics Simulator) developed by NIST (National Institute of Standards fire laboratory) to investigate various scenarios of a factory fire. After fire model calculation the distribution of fire temperature, pressure, flow velocity, carbon monoxide and visibility conditions and other important parameters are obtained. And then use these data to analyze and discuss each of the fire situations, including the increase in fire-fighting equipment such as sprinkler systems, smoke exhaust equipment (forced ventilation).The simulation result hopes that might improve fire-fighting tactics and techniques in order to reduce fire damage and increase the efficiency of fire rescue.


FDS fire field mode


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