  • 學位論文


Analysis of Shoring/Reshoring of Concrete Multistory Buildings And Construction Cost Analysis

指導教授 : 林炳昌


建築物標準層施工時,所選擇的複層支撐回撐系統及養護溫度,會直接影響到施作結構體工期的長短,若未考慮建築物樓地板用途類別的設計活載重,而採用不適當的支撐系統,則會造成鋼筋混凝土樓板的施工裂縫。在建築物施工完成後初期,雖然樓板的施工裂縫,因為有額外加以施作防水層,可以暫時性的阻隔樓板的漏水,但經過若干年後,防水層漸漸失去作用,依舊會產生因施工品質不佳所造成相關的問題。 在建築投資開發案的投入成本考量方面,以住宅及辦公大樓建築類型為例,最直接影響投資成本的要因,就是營建工期的長短。目前臺灣營造業在縮短工期規劃方面,在地面層最常採用的估算方式,通常採用全套模板的複層支撐系統來縮短工期,全套模板支撐系統在施工成本方面比回撐系統的成本高比較不經濟,無法有效的降低營建成本,提高投資利潤。 採用複層支撐及回撐系統施工方式,可以有效達到縮短工期的目的,本文分析六種複層支撐及回撐系統,依其工序各階段產生的載重變化,據以預估模板工程各階段作業時間,並且歸納此六種複層支撐及回撐系統的施工時最大樓板荷重及支撐系統受力情形,提供作為業界評估工期及支撐系統的參考,希望能避免造成樓板施工裂縫及支撐崩塌等問題,並有效的降低營建成本,提高投資利潤。


In the story of construction buildings, duration of the structure construction which is depend on muti-story shoring/reshoring systems and curing temperature. Without considering the difference between the design between live load on the floor and using a non-appropriate shoring systems, the slab may result in cracks during the construction. The problem would not appear during the early stage after the completion of building construction. Because theres an additional waterproof membranes which can be a temporary barrier leakage floor. A few years later, the waterproof membranes has lost its functions. Which caused the poor construction quality issues. In the costs of an investment and development plan in construction, the most direct impact facts is the duration of construction. Taiwan's construction is currently trying to shorten the period of construction planning, Most commonly on the ground floor of the estimation method is shoring of muti-story to shorten construction period. In the construction cost, a shoring used s muti-story is higher than reshoring and non-economic. Therefore, it can not be effective to reduce construction costs and improve investment returns. The muti-story shoring and reshoring can effectively shorten the construction period. In assessing the construction period, the paper analyzes the six-storey complex to muti-story shoring/reshoring, Base on the load changes cased by various stages of each process to expect the time of formwork for the various stages of operation and summarized into six kind of the max floor loading for muti-story shoring/reshoring. It could be provided for a industry refer to the assessment of construction period and shoring to avoid floor support construction of the cracks and collapse.


2.ACI Committee 318, “Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete (ACI
318-05) and Commentary (ACI 318R-05),” American Concrete Institute,
Farmington Hills, 2005.
1.ACI Committee 347.2R-05, “Guide For Shoring / Reshoring of concrete Multistory
