  • 學位論文


An Empirical Study on Pricing, Supply and Demand, and Brand Equity of Luxury Import Cars in Taiwan

指導教授 : 簡俱揚


隨著臺灣經濟體系於民國九十一年一月一日加入世界貿易組織(WT0),進口關稅降低、非關稅障礙消除以及政府干預減少,整車進口之進口小轎車將較以往減少成本支出,勢必引導銷售價格下降,增強產品在市場上之競爭力。任職於波士頓顧問集團之渥格爾曾在「經濟學人」週刊陳述:「如果能把產品售價提高1﹪,相較於削減1﹪之經常性費用或固定成本,將可以提高最多4倍之獲利。」,在臺灣汽車市場上平價進口小轎車已為品質、性能升級之國產小轎車所取代;高價進口小轎車之售價卻未隨進口成本減少而降低,反而逐年遞增。依市場供需機制評斷,照理說價漲量縮,事實卻未如此。究竟係臺灣整體經濟環境改變了,人民購買力提昇,還是民眾之消費傾向有了新選擇,重視高科技、高品質之商品,使高價進口小轎車已由奢侈品轉為民生必須之耐久財,以致高價車漲價之餘,還能銷售更多輛數!臺灣地區高價進口小轎車之訂價、供需及品牌權益,遂成為本研究之探討目標。 本研究先以「臺灣進口汽車產業分析」一章介紹進口小轎車計價方法及其影響要素,諸如進口稅稅率及匯率。再以加權平均售價新台幣120萬以上定義高價進口小轎車,選取8種品牌車種,使用失衡模型及二階段最小平方法,探討高價進口車之市場供、需情形,究竟係失衡亦或是均衡市場!得到此市場可能處於均衡狀態之結論。有關品牌權益方面,本文以一、一般模型,二、加入依200萬車價分類模型,三、加入擁有品牌權益模型,以及四、加入車價分類及品牌權益模型等四種模型變數,研究高價進口小轎車是否具有品牌權益,何種品牌轎車擁有產品商譽價值,暨能以較同級車高昂或相同之價格出售,又能博得消費大眾青睞,創造良好銷售業績,使企業得到產品價格溢酬。研究結論發現在臺灣汽車消費市場中,BENZ及BMW兩個品牌在高價進口小轎車中擁有品牌權益,價昂量又多,其產品市場發展策略值得相關產業觀察、研究。


Subsequent to Taiwan’s entry into the World Trade Organization (WTO) on Jan. 1, 2002 and the resultant changes of reduced import duty, eliminated non-duty barriers and less governmental interference, importing passenger cars does not cost as much as previously. This condition in turn leads to a drop of the vehicles’ retail prices as well as an enhancement of their market competitiveness. Henry Vogel of the Boston Consulting Group likes to remind clients that raising prices by 1% can boost profits by up to four times as much as a 1% cut in overheads and fixed costs. Inexpensive import passenger cars have already been replaced by domestically manufactured ones, whose quality and performance have improved in a large scale. On the other hand, the retail price of high-end import cars has not gone down with the wane of import cost; instead, the price climbs gradually year after year. A typical demand-supply mechanism states that the sales volume and retail price are negatively related; however, this is not the actual case. If may be that Taiwan’s overall economy has changed for the better, thus boosting individuals’ purchasing power or that the residents are becoming inclined to opt for high-tech and high-quality merchandise, directing costly import passenger vehicles from category of luxury goods into indispensable durable goods. Some reason must explain why the sales volume of luxury import passenger cars grows while their prices are going up! The pricing strategy, demand & supply relationship, and the brand equity of high-end import passenger cars in Taiwan are the focus of this research. This research begins with the article of “Analysis of Taiwan’s Import Car Industry,” which introduces the pricing method of import passenger vehicles and the influencing factors, such as the import duty and exchange rate. 8 makes are then selected from those complying with the definition of “luxury import cars” (weighted average retail price of NT$1.2 million or above). The demand & supply relationship of luxury import car market is then investigated using the “disequilibrium model” and the “Two-Stage Least Square Method.” The conclusion follows that the market is in equilibrium. In the aspect of brand equity, the following four model parameters are used to probe whether luxury import cars possess brand equity and which brand actually holds the value of goodwill that enables it to bear a higher or equivalent price tag with its competitors while at the same time winning the hearts of consumers, creating outstanding sales volume as well as profit: 1.Common Model 2.Addition of model categorized by retail price separation above or below of NT$2 million 3.Addition of owned brand equity model 4.Addition of 4 model parameters, such as retail price separation, and brand equity model The conclusion discovers that, in the Taiwanese car market, Mercedes Benz and BMW are the two brands holding the brand equity, carrying a high price tag and generating significant volume. These two makes’ market development strategies are worth further observation and examination by relevant industries’.


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