  • 學位論文


Thermal characteristics of phase change materials for transport of blood products

指導教授 : 張炎林


目前運送血液用運送容器的主要功用為減少外界熱量侵入,並提供適當的容積收納血品以維持血品所需的溫度條件。因此運送容器與相變化材料必須具備優異的保溫性能,以少量的相變化材料數量,使血品運送所需保存溫度時間能夠延長。 本研究之目的在於研究相變化材料的熱傳特性。本研究一共分為三大方向,首先測試了解相變化材料之固、液相轉換溫度。第二部份利用熱傳公式算出三種相變化材料(冷藏、冷凍、室溫)之熔解熱。第三部份是將線上所使用的運送容器利用冰水固液共存關係,將運送容器基本熱傳係數計算出來。 實驗數據處理皆以水為對照組,配合水的已知熱力學性質,利用熱傳公式計算出相變化材料各階段Cp值與熔解熱。實驗結果顯示出,現行所使用的冷凍相變化材料固液相轉換溫度在-22℃~-20℃,冷藏相變化材料固、液相轉換溫度在4℃~6℃,室溫相變化材料固、液相轉換溫度在19℃~22℃。經由實驗計算可以得知冷凍相變化材料熔解熱101.1cal/g、冷藏相變化材料熔解熱為113.4cal/g 、室溫相變化材料熔解熱為235.0cal/g。運送容器的Ka 值經由實驗結果計算其保溫箱597.1(cal/hr ℃)、保溫袋(內無紙箱)為1397. 0(cal/hr ℃)、保溫袋(內有紙箱)為834.0(cal/hr ℃)、大紙箱為1100.4(cal/hr ℃)。運送容器的Ka 值量化後,經由預測,可以知道相變化材料在31℃環境溫度下,冷凍相變化材料在合格使用溫度範圍可以維持4.5小時;冷藏相變化材料可以維持18.5小時;室溫相變化材料可以維持9.5小時。


Currently the main function for delivery of blood with vessels is to reduce an outside heat intrusion, and provide an appropriate vessel of blood products to incorporate and maintain the desired temperature conditions for blood products. Therefore, a delivery vessel and phase change materials must have excellent thermal insulation properties that the required time for storage temperature of blood products while delivery, can be extended with a small amount of phase change materials. The purpose of this study was to look into the thermal properties of phase change material. The study was totally divided into three directions: first, we made a test to understand the transition temperature of phase change materials between solid and liquid. Second, we calculated the heat of melting of three kinds of phase change materials (frozen, cool, room temperature) through heat transfer equation. Third, it was used the characteristic which did solid ice and liquid water coexists for the working delivery vessel to calculate the basic heat transfer coefficients. For the experimental data, we entirely used water as the control group, as well as the known thermodynamic properties of water, to calculate Cp value of phase change materials in various stages and the heat of melting through heat transfer equation. The results showed that the solid-liquid transition temperature which the current used frozen phase change materials was at -22 ℃~ -20 ℃, and which cool ones was at 4 ℃ ~ 6 ℃; which the solid-liquid transition temperature that the room- temperature phase change materials was at 19 ℃~ 22℃. Through the experimental calculation, we got the awareness that heat of melting at the solid-liquid phase transition point was 101.1(cal/g) for frozen phase change materials, 113.4(cal/g) for cool ones and 235.0(cal/g) for room- temperature ones. The Ka values calculated by the experimental results of its delivery vessels were respectively 597.1 (cal / hr℃) for insulated boxes, 1397.0 (cal/hr℃) for insulated bags without carton inside, 834.0 (cal/ hr℃) for insulated bags with carton inside, and 1100.4 (cal/hr℃) for a large carton. After quantifying the Ka value of the delivery vessels, a forecast of ambient temperature of 31℃ was learned that the frozen phase change material in the qualified temperature range could be maintained for 4.5 hours; the cool ones could be maintained for 18.5hours; the room-temperature ones could be maintained for 9.5hours.


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