  • 學位論文


Knowledge sharing in virtual community influencing learning willingness on independent learning environment

指導教授 : 李國誠


資訊科技的蓬勃發展下,使用網路環境的軟硬體設備漸趨完善,網際網 路與虛擬社群的應用也愈成熟,國軍網路因資安政策,採實體隔離不連結網際網路,學生在封閉式的教學環境學習,知識分享受限於網路,使得知識經驗無法留存。由於現今大多數年輕人都依賴虛擬社群,若在封閉式的教學環境建立虛擬社群知識分享的網站,使學生得以知識分享交流,是否能藉此提升學習意願,值得本研究探討發掘。本研究擬以「科技接受模式」來探討學生對於虛擬社群知識分享的行為,以及對學習意願所產生的影響。 本研究結果顯示,網站品質對認知有用性及認知易用性有正向影響。認知 易用性對認知有用性無顯著差異。認知有用性及認知易用性對於知識分享的態度皆具顯著影響。知識分享的態度對於知識分享的意圖有顯著相關以及正向影響。知識分享的意圖對學習意願也有顯著相關及正向影響。 研究結果證明了在封閉式的學習環境進行虛擬社群知識分享,與一般網際 網路上開放式的學習環境結果是相同的。表示在封閉式的學習環境,雖然無法隨時連線發問或礙於空間限制必須在軍網環境中學習,但只要學生有正向的學習態度及學習意圖,就能提升個人的學習意願。


Under the booming development of information technology, software and hardware utilizing the internet environment has gradually improved, Internet and virtual community applications are maturing. Because of information security policies, military networks are physically isolated and not linked to the internet. Students in this enclosed learning environment have restricted internet access to knowledge, resulting in inability to retain knowledge and experience. Since most young people today rely on virtual communities, if virtual communities are established on knowledge sharing site within the enclosed teaching environment, enabling students to share their knowledge, whether students’ willingness to learn will increase is worth investigating in this study. This study intends to use a “technology acceptance model” to explore students’ knowledge sharing behavior in a virtual community, and the impact on willingness to learn. The results of this study show that website quality has a positive impact on perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use. There are no significant differences between perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness. Perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use have significant effects on attitude towards knowledge sharing. Knowledge sharing attitude has significant and positive impacts on knowledge sharing intentions. Knowledge sharing intentions also have significant and positive impacts on willingness to learn. Study results prove that knowledge sharing within a virtual community in an enclosed learning environment have the same result as the open learning environment on the general internet, indicating that within an enclosed learning environment, although connecting and asking questions at any time is impossible or that learning must be done within a military network environment because of space limitations, as long as the student has positive learning attitude and intentions, their willingness to learn will be enhanced.


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