  • 學位論文


On the Corporate Strategy of Tea Industry in Taiwan:A Case Study of Ten Ren Group

指導教授 : 曲祉寧


台灣茶業歷經清朝時期、日治時期、台茶蓬勃期、台茶精緻期,在1992年正式由茶葉出口國轉變為茶葉進口國;加上中華茶藝、飲料茶、泡沫紅茶及茶多元化產品的興起,台茶產、製、銷各方面產生極大的轉變。 有鑑於台灣茶業日益凋零,一般茶農的經營方式多採單打獨鬥,標榜自產、自銷,忽略產業整合及經營規模的效益。我們探討「天仁茗茶」現有的經營模式,並從有制度的茶業公司以商業手法與管理,藉由經營策略的運用讓台灣茶業經營者的營業績效能符合預期,進而增進國內茶農收益。本研究的具體目的為瞭解並分析台灣茶產業之現況;探討台灣茶產業對通路策略、產品策略之運用;茶業廠商競爭優勢之探討及經營策略之選擇。研究結果歸納下列命題: 1.在台灣茶葉產業由出口國改變為進口國的背景下,台灣茶葉的生產必須從傳統的茶葉製造專業轉換為以市場為導向的茶葉生產與銷售專業。 2.由於台灣茶葉消費者的飲茶知識的不斷提高,以及飲茶偏好的不斷改變,台灣茶業生產者必須不斷朝向茶葉差異化與標準化的方向發展。 3.茶葉生產者專業化的生產模式, 有助於累積茶葉生產者增進茶葉差異化與標準化的銷售專業能耐。 犍x灣小型茶業生產者,傾向累積差異化的銷售能耐 犍x灣大型茶葉生產者,傾向累積標準化的銷售能耐 4.茶葉專業生產者的差異化與標準化能耐的提升,將促進茶葉生產者以專業化的形式改善生產能耐。 5.台灣茶葉生產者專業化生產與銷售能耐的提升,有助於茶葉生產者進行與茶葉相關的多角化事業發展。


天仁茗茶 經營策略 茶產業


The Taiwan tea industry has been gone through the Chin Dynasty, the Japan-governed period, the vigorous period of Taiwan tea, and the fine period of Taiwan tea. In 1992 it has been officially transformed from a tea export country into an import country. With the prosperity of Chinese tea art, tea beverage, bubble tea, and other multiple products, there are tremendous changes in producing, manufacturing and marketing of Taiwan tea. Owing to the withering of Taiwan tea industry, and the management skills of general tea farmers – adopting the fighting alone method, producing and marketing only by oneself, ignoring the benefit of industrial conformity and management scale, this study discusses the existing business model of the “Ten Ren’s Tea”, refers the business skills and management of this systematic tea company to match the management expectations of the managers of Taiwan tea industry making use of the management strategy; furthermore, to increase the income of the domestic tea farmers. The specific goals of this study are to understand and analyze the present condition of Taiwan tea industry, to discuss the usage of marketing channels and product strategies of Taiwan tea industry, to probe the competitive advantages of tea manufacturers and the choices of management strategy. Results of this study induce the following questions: 1.With a background of transforming from a tea export country into an import country, the production of Taiwan tea has to be changed from a traditional professional tea manufacturing industry into a tea production and sales industry taking market as the guidance. 2.Since the tea knowledge of Taiwan tea consumers is rising and the habit of tea drinking is changing, the Taiwan tea manufactures have to develop continuously toward the variation and standardization of tea. 3.The professional production mode of the tea manufacturers is helpful for accumulating the variation and the sales ability of standardization of tea manufacturers 郼he small-scaled Taiwan tea manufacturers incline to accumulate the sales ability of variation. 郼he big-scaled Taiwan tea manufacturers incline to accumulate the sales ability of standardization. 4.The rising of Taiwan tea manufacturers’ ability of variation and standardization will promote the professional tea manufactures’ ability of improving production with professional ways. 5.The rising of Taiwan tea manufacturers’ ability of professional production and sales is helpful for the manufacturers in developing tea-related multi-field business.




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張勻嘉(2013)。臺日茶產業行銷策略研究 ─以天仁茗茶與伊藤園為例〔碩士論文,國立臺中科技大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6826/NUTC.2013.00088
