  • 學位論文


Production Mode, Business Strategy, and Financial Performance of the Golfhead Industry in Taiwan

指導教授 : 林師模


台灣的代工能力舉世聞名,然而在經濟的快速變遷之下,人工成本的提高使台灣正面臨市場競爭與企業永續經營的挑戰。本研究旨在探討台灣高爾夫球頭產業的生產模式與經營策略。台灣高爾夫球頭產業早期憑藉著良好的代工技術和低廉的人工成本而成為世界採購之重鎮。由1992年海關進出口的廠商資料分析,台灣高爾夫球頭廠商約有五十四家,最多時曾達一佰多家,但隨著經濟情勢的快速變化,現今整合後只剩少數幾家較具規模廠商。由於產業內存在著大者恆大之現象,廠商的經營策略之調整也成為其能夠永續經營的重要課題。 本研究以高爾夫球頭產業內具代表性廠商之財務資料,應用多變量分析中之主成份分析進行實證探討,以瞭解產業內主要廠商之財務績效與其生產模式及經營策略間是否具有一定的關聯性,同時也運用Panel Data迴歸模型,搭配主成份分析結果,檢視企業之財務績效與經營策略間之關係。實證結果發現: 1.新生產技術和新的經營模式的導入對廠商之總體財務指標有明顯的影響。 2.整體而言,企業併購技術核心內之相關廠商時,對財務績效有正面的影響。因此,對非技術核心之轉投資需審慎評估,以免造成虧損。 3.就目前台灣高爾夫球頭業者來說,由於訂單皆來自國外大廠,因此營收與獲利與國外之大廠息息相關,一旦國外客戶縮單或轉移訂單時將會影響企業之財務績效表現。 4.除了受國外大量訂單的影響外,業者在經營策略上著重於研發、生產技術的提升,以及品質的持續改善、內部成本的控管等,對財務績效也會有正面的影響。 5.企業投入之研發成本與企業之經營成果好壞有正相關,而高學歷亦對績效有助益。 6.高學歷之員工比例愈高對整體財務績效也有正面的影響,顯示經營管理及技術創新對企業有相當程度的重要性。


Taiwan has been famous by its capability of OEM since the early 1980s. However, the fast transition of economic structure and the significant rise in labor cost in recent years have put Taiwan in the forefront facing challenges of market competition and sustainability. The purpose of this study is to explore the relationship between production strategy and business performance for Taiwan’s golfhead industry. It has become an important issue for companies in the golfhead industry to adjust their business strategies to cope with the situation of changing market structure and economic environment. And a clearer realization of the relationship between business strategy and financial performance in the industry is the key in making right adjustments. We use Principal Component Analysis and panel data regression models to examine the relationships between production mode, business strategy, and financial performance for four major companies in the industry. The results of the analysis are as follows. 1.New technology and business strategy do have significance positive impact on overall financial performance. 2.Acquisition and merge with a core company of the industry has shown to have positive effect on company’s financial performance. 3.The sales and profits of the companies are bound up with orders from foreign company closely. 4.R&D activities are helpful to the financial performance of the companies. 5.High percentage of highly-educated employees leads to higher financial performance.


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