  • 學位論文


The Research of the Change of the Coast Forest and Landscape in Sinwu Township North Coast.

指導教授 : 堀込憲二


濱海地區的開發及遊憩活動,不可避免會改變海岸地區自然環境及生態系統,尤其對海岸地區的海岸林帶有直接的影響,雖然影響之自然環境因素甚多,但大多屬長期之緩慢變化,相對人為干擾才是造成海岸林帶變化之最大因素,所以如何在不影響海岸林帶環境的前提下,有效且適當的將人為環境與海岸環境相結合,是值得深入探討的課題。 本研究之主要目的係針對改善以往僅就海岸防風林的建造,更進一步探討海岸林帶的發展變化及各項利用問題,以桃園縣新屋鄉北岸地區為例,透過五個時期的海岸林帶變化分析,探討海岸林帶景觀在時間與空間上的結構與量上的變化,並以海岸林帶為中心劃設7個樣區,進行5個年期的500m×500m的土地利用之面積屬性資料統計,比對各樣區空間地景變化,透過統計軟體SPSS,進行統計及相關分析等,以明瞭海岸林帶與各環境因子的交互作用及內涵。 研究結果顯示人類的開發以道路最明顯直接造成海岸林帶結構上的重大變化,當海岸林帶環境受到的干擾愈少,海岸林帶的形態就愈趨複雜,與住宅的關係更加緊密,形成很好的保護網。從土地利用面積統計結果來看,海岸環境的海岸林帶與開發面積比最好控制在6%以下,才不至於影響海岸林帶空間,而桃園海岸、新竹海岸及苗栗海岸皆屬侵淤互現的砂岸地區,這類型的海岸地區更需要靠海岸林帶的屏障以保護內陸環境,因此在進行相關規劃時應避免在保安林西側設置人工物等設施,以免增加海岸地區的負擔,形成廢棄閒置的空間,這是值得政府相關單位重視之。


Development and leisure activities in coastal areas will inevitably change the natural environment and ecological system. They will particularly and directly influence coast forest in coastal areas. Although there are many natural environmental influences, most are long-term and slow changes; whereas, man-made interference is the main factor of change of coast forests. Therefore, how to effectively and properly combine man-made environments with coastal environments without affecting coast forest is an issue worthy of further study. This study aims to supplement past research, which focused only on the construction of coastal wind break forests, and further probe into the development and uses of coast forests. Using the northern coastal area in Sinwu Township, Taoyuan County as an example, and through analysis of the five phases of coast forests, this study investigated coast forest landscape changes of structures and quantity, in terms of time and space. It further constructed seven sample areas with coast forests as the focus in order to collect five years of statistics of a 500m×500m land use, and then compared the data with landscape changes of different sample areas. Statistical and correlation analysis were conducted by SPSS in order to discover the interactions and implications between coast forest and environmental factors. The findings indicated that, regarding human developments, roads particularly and directly lead to great impact on structures of coast forests. The less the interference with coast forests, the more complicated the coast forest types will be and the closer it is with residences, thus providing significant protection. Regarding statistics of measured squares of land use, the ratio between coast forest in coastal areas and development areas should be below 6% in order to lessen the influential coast forest space. The coast of Taoyuan, Hsinchu, and Miaoli are sand coastal areas with shoreline changes, which rely heavily on coast forest to shelter inland. Therefore, any planning should avoid installation of man-made objects to the west of coast forests in order not to increase the load of coastal areas, leading to wasted space; a point that should be valued by related governmental departments.


land use man-made interference coast forest


