  • 學位論文

家庭資源對新移民子女學習的影響 -以桃園縣 X 國小為例

Family Resources and Their Effects on Learning for the Schoolchildren of New Immigrants —A Case Study of X Elementary School

指導教授 : 秦宗春


中文摘要 近年來臺灣女性之婚姻及生育年齡普遍提高,許多適婚年齡之男性轉而迎娶大陸港澳或是東南亞地區之女性,新移民及其子女人口節節上升,也導致臺灣人口結構改變,從文獻中可以發現影響學習之家庭因素為家庭資源充分與否,家庭資源包含:財務資本、人力資本、文化資本及社會資本。 本研究訪談桃園縣一所國小的8位新移民,旨在暸解新移民家庭資源之流動及對子女學習的影響。本研究以質性研究取徑,採用深度訪談法、半結構式問題及基本資料調查蒐集資料,並進行分析詮釋。研究發現: 一、 財務資本尚稱足夠且可補充其他資本不足處,新移民子女是否上安親班與家庭收入關係不大。 二、 新移民的人力資本透過社會資本影響課後托育選擇,而缺乏人力資本者以財務資本補充。 三、 文化資本之投入受到財務資本影響,且文化資本略顯不足。 四、 社會資本之教育期望高,且受到財務資本擁有多寡程度之影響。 根據以上發現,研究者對學校教師、教育及政府行政單位、新移民家長及未來研究者提出建議如下: 一、 學校老師可主動至新移民家中訪問,以瞭解學生生活狀況,並獲得家長的支持。 二、 政府行政單位可多辦理識字班或親職教育課程,並輔導新移民就業;而教育單位可尋求附近大學的資源,讓大學生做服務學習,指導新移民子女的課業;學校也可加強藝術文化方面的課程。 三、 新移民家長可多參加識字班及成長學習的課程,充實家中的學習資源如書報,並應主動作親師聯繫,以瞭解子女在校狀況。 四、 未來研究者可以訪談更具異質性的研究對象,以得到更豐富資料,並追蹤家庭文化資本及財務資本對其他教育階段的影響。


Abstract In recent years, many Taiwanese women increase their age in getting married and bearing the children, many Taiwanese men who reach appropriate age for marriage begin to get married to women from Southeast Asia or mainland China. As a result, the children population of new immigrants increases and in turn changes the population structure of Taiwan. From the literature, the abundance of family resources including financial capital, human capital, cultural capital, and social capital could affect learning. The research is carried out by interviewing eight new immigrants of one elementary school located in Tao Yuan County in order to understand the flow of family resources and their effects on the learning of children. The research methods choose in-depth interview, half structure question, and secondary data analysis. Research findings are: 1. Adequate financial capital could remedy the shortage of other capitals. There is little relationship between family income and whether to attend after school care. 2. Human capital through social capital could affect after school care selection. Those who lack of human capital use financial capital as substitute. 3. The input of cultural capital is affected by financial capital. In general, there is a shortage of cultural capital. 4. In social capital, the expectation in education is higher and that is affected by the availability of financial capital. Based on the above findings, suggestions to school teachers, government education agencies, new immigrant parents, and future researchers are: 1. School teachers could visit new immigrant families to understand their living condition and gain the support of those parents 2. Government agencies could offer more courses to help new immigrants learn and to find jobs. In addition, government education agencies could seek resources in nearby universities to undertake service learning to tutor those students of new immigrant. Schools could strengthen arts and cultural courses. 3. New immigrant parents could attend Chinese learning and personal growth courses. They also need to increase reading materials such as newspapers at home and to closely contact with teachers to understand their kid conditions. 4. Future researchers could interview hetero research objects to get more research materials and to trace the effects of cultural and financial capitals on other education classes.


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