  • 學位論文

建築外殼水幕淋水降溫效益之研究 -以磁磚及花崗石為例

Research on Heat Reduction Effectiveness of Building Enclosure Through Running Water Curtain- Taking Ceramic Tile and Granite Surface as Examples

指導教授 : 曹拯元 倪晶瑋


台灣屬多雨、高溫、高濕的熱濕型氣候區,大部分建築物外殼採磚砌或混凝土作為主要構築材料。然,此等材料隔熱性能不佳且容易吸收及蓄存熱能。加上台灣都市建築高密度發展及機動車輛過多等因素,造成都市中的「熱島效應」,使建築外殼即使在夜間也不易散熱。古法常在盛暑時期,以冷水淋壁藉以消暑。因此,本研究使用貯集於建築物筏基層中的回收雨水,模擬對建築物外殼進行水幕淋水冷卻降溫之古法,以減少外牆體蓄集熱能,達到有效降低夏季空調使用時間,而節能減廢之目的。本研究為一實驗室模擬實證研究,在方法上以實驗為主,SPSS統計檢測及文獻回顧為輔。本次執行磁磚及花崗石兩種外牆飾面材料實驗,分別對磁磚及花崗石進行包含1組對照組之模擬太陽輻射熱加熱後自然降溫實驗,及4組實驗組在加熱後實施水幕淋水冷卻降溫實驗。主要研究成果如下: (1)磁磚或花崗石自受熱至淋水降溫180分鐘之溫度行為呈弧線與直線之組合型線條; (2)磁磚比花崗石會吸收較多之熱能,降溫效益優於花崗石; (3)磁磚或花崗石顏色對水幕淋水降溫效益無影響; (4)磁磚及花崗石表面平整度對淋水降溫效益無顯著差異; (5)「間隔淋水不續加熱」及「連續淋水不續加熱」方式優於「間隔淋水續加熱」及「連續淋水續加熱」方式。「間隔淋水不續加熱」及「連續淋水不續加熱」方式兩者間無顯著差異。 (6)磁磚及花崗石降溫效益分別為23.2°C ~26.0°C及20.8°C ~25.2°C之間,優於複層牆等其他隔熱方式。 (7)透過建築外殼水幕淋水降溫,可以減少空調使用量,達到節能之目的。 關鍵詞:水幕淋水、外殼降溫、節能減廢、磁磚、花崗石。


Taiwan is located in a hot and humid zone with high rainfall, temperature, and humidity levels. Brick or concrete are the key materials for building enclosures in Taiwan; yet these materials have weak thermal insulation properties and easily absorb and store thermal energy. In addition, economic factors, such as high density construction development and excessive use of motor vehicles, cause an “urban heat island” effect in the cities of Taiwan.This phenomenon leads to issues regarding heat dissipation in building enclosures, even at night. It has been a historic practice to sprinkle cold water onto building walls to cool off in the heat of summer. Therefore, a method was proposed to simulate this ancient practice of water curtain on building shells to reduce temperature using recycled rainwater stored in the raft foundation of building. It is a method which reduces the thermal energy saturating in wall body as well as the time of air conditioning use in summer for both energy saving and waste reduction. We conducted empirical research in this study that involved testing the main research method, which was supplemented by SPSS verification and literature review. Experiments were carried out on two types of facade finishing materials, tiles and granite. A control group of tiles and granite was exposed to simulated solar heat source and let cool naturally. 4 groups of experiment subjects were heated and applied with water curtain to cool off. The main research results were: (1) The temperature behaviors that the tiles and granite exhibited from the start of heating to cooling down with water curtain in 180 minutes displayed a combination of curves and straight lines; (2) Tiles performed better than granite both in heat absorption as well as dissipation; (3) The color of tiles and granite had no influence on the temperature reducing effect of cooling off with water curtain; (4) The evenness of tiles and granite had no significant influence on the temperature reducing effect of cooling off with water curtain; (5) “Sprinkling at intervals without continuous heating” and “continuous sprinkling without continuous heating” were both better than “sprinkling at intervals with continuous heating” and “continuous sprinkling and continuous heating,” whereas no significant difference was observed between the “sprinkling at intervals without continuous heating” and “continuous sprinkling without continuous heating”. (6) The temperature reducing effects of tiles and granite were 23.2-26.0°C and 20.8-25.2°C, respectively, better than other thermal insulation techniques such as double walls; and (7) The water curtain on the facades of building reduced the use of air conditioning and achieved energy saving. Keywords: Water spray curtain, building enclosure temperature reduction, energy conservation and waste reduction, ceramic tiles, Granite


張源修、謝恩倉、侯文祥 (2010),〈建築屋頂與牆之節能及經濟效益研究〉,農業工程學報 56卷1期,頁84 -98。
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