  • 學位論文


Research on Kindergarten Floor Slip Resistance Level : form the Viewpoint of Accidental Injury Prevention

指導教授 : 陳歷渝


幼兒為未來社會主人翁,如何讓幼兒能於安全環境下健康成長學習,選擇適用於幼兒園裝修地坪材料,降低幼兒園事故傷害發生,本研究以中壢地區公私立幼兒園為對象,調查18所幼兒園使用之裝修地坪材料,並向幼兒園園長進行訪談,了解常發生事故傷害之類型、發生場所及預防對策,針對其中願意受測之14所幼兒園,以英式擺錘測量儀器(British Portable Skid Tester, BPST),進行現場實地測量,就乾燥及潮濕情況下分別測量其止滑度,再依據ASTM F1679地坪材料摩擦係數標準予以分級。研究發現:預防事故傷害發生,教導幼兒使用規範及增加警告標語,於直角、邊角處加裝防撞條,穿著室內鞋或襪子從事活動,並於地坪材料選擇應採適用於幼兒園之止滑度合格者。地坪材料止滑度量測發現:多數裝修地坪材料於乾燥情況下COF值皆達0.60以上,屬非常安全範圍等級;潮濕情況下有13種裝修地坪材料之COF值達0.50以上,屬正常安全範圍等級,包括:盥洗室使用之透水塑膠地墊、方塊磚(紋路),大廳使用之塑膠地毯、水泥地坪、花崗石、磨石子磚、花磚,戶外遊戲場使用之彈性地墊,出入口使用之瀝青混凝土鋪面、連鎖磚、抿石子,走廊及樓梯使用之人造纖維地毯、止滑墊等。建議未來公部門重視事故傷害預防,即早建置地坪材料防滑係數標準。


As a child is the master of the future’s society development hence it is important to learn how a child develops in a secure environment. In conjunction to security issues like; reduction incidence in kindergarten, accidental injury prevention, and floor materials application in a kindergarten. This research chooses 18 kindergartens in Chung-Li for example and interviews with its principals. There is also a field survey on flooring materials by British Portable Skid Tester (BPST), with a conduction of a series of slip-resistance experiments on-site to be conducted individually; dry and moist condition, in accordance with ASTM F1679 grading. The research found that the accidental injury prevention can be performed with such as; installation of warning signs, and corner bumper strip, and wear indoor shoes or socks. According to the floor materials resistance level measured in the kindergartens, the measurement found that most materials slip-resistance levels are COF higher then 0.60 under dry condition, and according to the basic safety standard it is under the “very safety standard”. Under moist condition thirteen flooring materials had found to be COF higher then 0.50 which is in under basic safety standard. Other safety standards include of “permeable plastic mats”, and “small tiles” usage in toilet. “plastic carpet”, “cement floor”, “granite”, “terrazzo tiles”, and “tile” usage in Lobby. “rubber mats” usage in Playground. “stone mastic asphalt”, “interlocking bricks”, and “pebble floor” usage in Gateway. “synthetic carpet”, and “slip-resistance mats” usage in Corridor. Suggestion for improvement to governmental departments regarding on accidental regulations to establish cofficient of friction standard for floor materials.


