  • 學位論文


Comparing the parental responsiveness processes of two young children with autism in parent-child interaction

指導教授 : 林初穗


摘要 本研究以個案研究法探討自閉症幼兒的家長在參與親子互動課程中回應行為改變的歷程。研究目的包括家長回應行為改變的歷程、家長回應行為改變的異同處及可能影響回應行為改變的原因。研究對象為兩位在親子互動介入中回應行為改變最多且自閉症幼兒生理發展年齡相近的家長分析、比對兩位家長的親子互動錄影帶、基本文件和訪談內容。研究結果發現不同情境會影響家長回應行為改變,個案一家長在遊戲室中回應行為提升後卻無法維持而降低,在家中回應行為則是持續提升。個案二家長在遊戲室中回應行為先降低然後再提升,在家中回應行為的改變是維持原狀後緩慢提升。兩位家長回應行為相同點為含蓄的情感表達方式;相異點則是個案一的家長會使用等待來回應、加入肢體遊戲並且以孩子為主導,個案二的家長則用口語回應、單一固定的遊戲並且以家長為主導的互動方式。在本研究發現可能影響家長回應行為改變的原因除了家長個人和家庭因素外,還有自閉症幼兒的氣質、溝通行為和象徵性遊戲行為等。


Abstract This study was designed to investigate the parental responsiveness change processes of two young children with autism in parent-child interaction. This study aimed to explore the differences and similarities in parental responsiveness between the two parents of young children with autism. Also, the study wanted to explore the possible reasons that effect the parental responsiveness change. The subjects participated in this study were two of the most changeable responsiveness parents of young children with autism. In order to exclude external threat on this study, two young children with autism were selected based on their developmental quotient. Data analysis included parent-child interaction videotapes, child and family information sheets and the interview. The results showed that the parental responsiveness change depends on the situation. Subject one improved the responsiveness but was unable to maintain in the early intervention center, however, the responsiveness improved continually at home. Subject two first improved the responsiveness in the early intervention center, however, the responsiveness improved slowly at home. The similarity of the two parents in responsiveness change was the expression of affect. The differences between the two parents were that Subject one waited for the child to respond, included people games and followed the child in the interaction; Subject two used mand commend, and played the game repeatedly and directively. In this study, the possible reasons to influence the parental responsiveness change were the parental characteristics, family factors, and the child characteristics including temperament, communication and symbolic play with young autistic children.




