  • 學位論文


The Analysis of Asia Horror Film Poster Design and Visual Perception

指導教授 : 黃文宗


日本恐怖電影《七夜怪談》的賣座成功,帶動亞洲地區恐怖電影的風潮與發展,恐怖電影海報沿襲恐怖電影的風格,著重於恐怖氛圍感的營造,以及視覺設計的呈現。因此,本研究主要探討哪些設計元素及因素影響著恐怖電影海報的視覺感受。研究具體目的如下:(1) 探討恐怖電影發展脈絡。(2) 歸納恐怖電影海報不同的視覺感受。(3) 彙整恐怖電影海報所具有的恐怖表現元素。(4) 探究恐怖電影海報共通設計元素及其與視覺感受的關聯。(5) 分析不同背景的受測者對恐怖感受與程度的影響。研究對象以1998年~2010年上映之亞洲恐怖電影為主,蒐集共75部電影海報。藉由恐怖電影海報樣本及相關文獻,以焦點團體法討論,輔以KJ法進行恐怖感受分類及命名,並進一步探討不同恐怖類型的海報具體設計元素及視覺感受影響因素。研究結果如下: 1. 恐怖感受類型分為「緊張壓迫感」、「血腥殘酷」、「陰森詭譎」、「噁心感」、「無助不安」、「懸疑」、具恐怖表現元素,但無強烈恐怖感的「其他類」。 2. 恐怖電影海報在人的表現類目中,以面無表情、表情猜疑為常見的表現方式,對於海報中的場景並無過多著墨,且以能明確表達電影風格與主題的事物,如鮮血、屍體等做為常見的表現元素,在鬼的表現元素方面,則以較隱晦且不展露鬼的全貌的形式做表現主軸。若表現元素過於繁雜,則使主題無法聚焦於具體的視覺感受。 3. 在不同恐怖感受的海報文字設計表現方面,以破碎、不完整、扭曲的視覺表現方式最為常見。色彩表現則以明度低的黑色、灰色,以及寒色系的深綠色為主要色調,在色彩感覺上使人有死亡、恐懼、苦悶的感受,營造恐怖電影的氛圍感。 4. 在受測者的影響因素方面,性別的不同對於視覺感受與害怕程度有較大的影響,年齡、恐怖電影觀看數量、恐怖電影出品國家偏好對於視覺感受,以及害怕、印象、興趣程度影響性較小,恐怖電影的喜好則在興趣與害怕程度有較大的影響性。


The Japanese horror film Ringu received successful box office and promoted Asia horror film’s development. Horror film posters’ form is affected by film style and emphasizes visual design. This research focuses on design elements and reasons which affect horror film posters’ visual communication. The purposes of research are to (1) summarize horror film’s history; (2) categorize horror film posters’ visual perception; (3) explore what kinds of horror representation elements do horror film posters include; (4) find connection between design elements and visual perception; (5) analyze different background subjects influence on visual perception and grade of that. The study used 75 movies’ posters from 1998-2010’s Asia horror film as an example and categorized visual perception by KJ Method with focus group. The results of research show: (1) Horror film posters’ visual perception was divided into seven categories: oppressive, cruel, gruesome, disgusting, helpless, suspenseful, and unclear. (2) Straight and suspicious face is common representation form of people in horror film posters. Horror film seldom emphasizes scene of its posters and uses representation elements which can express horror theme definitely, such as blood and corpse. Unobvious appearance often represents ghost in horror film posters. If representation elements use too more, visual perception will be indefinite. (3) The majority of horror film posters’ text forms are broken, fragmental, and distorted. Using low brightness color like black, gray, and dark green is main tone of horror film posters’ color performance. It brings viewers dying, fearful, depressed, and gloomy feelings. (4) In terms of subjects’ factors, gender difference has great influence on visual perception and level of fear; age, frequency of watching horror films, and country of horror films’ production have less influence on visual perception, level of fear, impression, and interest; preference of horror films has major influence on level of fear and interest.


