  • 學位論文


Effects of signal colors, screen polarity and crowding on human signal detection task performance.

指導教授 : 趙金榮


近年來許多產業為節省人力,隨著電子產品的推陳出新、人的思維 模式、及訊號如何被注意等因素,在工作上多藉助各式監控設備做為管理工具,這都與人機介面的設計有高度的相關。但是,人的注意力資源有限,操作人員如何在長時間面對畫面更新時可快速並正確的做出判斷,並透過螢幕訊號特性的組合來幫助操作辨識能力,透過好的介面設計可提昇偵測的績效。 本研究係模擬雷達偵測軟體,針對不同螢幕極性(白底、黑底)與不同的目標顏色(紅色、綠色、藍色、黃色)及三種偵測目標數量(7 個、14 個、21 個),來探討人員在各種組合介面條件下的績效優劣情況。每位受測者將操作模擬雷達偵測訊號軟體,完成120 題試題。每題試題於開始測試前會將提示需找尋之目標訊號樣式,受測者需快速且正確偵測到目標,實驗過程中模擬程式將紀錄相關績效數據。 本實驗採用2×4×3 的設計方法,共16 位受測者;實驗的自變數包含螢幕極性、目標顏色及螢幕訊號擁擠程度;應變數為偵測訊號反應時間、命中率及正棄率。實驗結果顯示螢幕極性對訊號偵測的反應時間有明顯的影響,當極性為陰性時有較短的反應時間。螢幕訊號擁擠程度對訊號偵測反應時間也有顯著的差異,當螢幕數量越多時,偵測訊號所需的時間也越長。螢幕極性、目標顏色與螢幕訊號擁擠度三者的交互作用也有顯著差異。目標顏色為綠色時,在任一極性介面的偵測績效都是較差的;當總訊號數增加時目標顏色為任一種,人員偵測訊號績效皆越差,因此螢幕訊號擁擠程度與螢幕極性相較於目標顏色來說,將是更重要的人機介面設計考量重點。


目標顏色 螢幕擁擠度 命中 正棄 極性


In recent years, many industries used diverse monitoring equipment as management tools at work in order to save manpower. With the innovation of electronic products, the model of human thinking and how the signals detected were highly related with the design of user-interface. However, due to the resource limitation of human’s attention; the design of user-interface was one of the detection performance factors to make quick and right decisions for an operator under a long time facing updating screen. In this study, we designed a radar detection simulation program to analyze the signal detection performance by the combinations of two display polarities (white, black), four target colors (red, green, blue, yellow) and three crowding levels (7, 14 , 21). Each subject operated radar detection signal simulation program to complete 120 times. The subjects were urged to detect the target as quickly and accurately as they can in each test and recorded the relevant performance data for analysis. The experiment was performed by 2×3×4 design method with 16 subjects. The independent variables were display polarity, target color and screen crowding. The dependent variables were signal detection time, hit rate, and correct rejection rate. The experimental results showed that the polarity had significant effects on the signal detection time; there was a shorter detection time when the polarity was negative. The signal amounts also had significant differences with the signal detection time. The signal detection time was proportional to the signal amounts of screen signal. The interrelation of screen polarity, target color and the signal amounts were obviously significant. Neither polar interface detection performance was better for green target color. The signal detection performance was worse as the signal amounts increase. In conclusion, the signal amounts and the screen polarity were more important than target color for the user-interface design consideration.


Target Color Screen crowding Hit Correct rejection Polarity


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