  • 學位論文


Pulse Signal Measurement Based on Low Cuff Pressure

指導教授 : 林康平


本研究之目的在於設計一套充氣式腕部脈搏訊號量測裝置,以30mmHg之低壓力壓脈袋為前提,量測連續的脈搏波形訊號,測量獲之連續脈搏波可經換算公式提供血壓數值,此方式測量得之血壓數值可達到連續監測之目的,因此可改善傳統非侵入式血壓量測儀器,僅能提供某一時間點的血壓值,或是由於壓脈袋內壓力過高,而使受測者不適於長時間使用的缺點。 本研究提出一個架構完整的系統,以達成體積小、重量輕的可攜式目標,提供使用者128x64點的圖形化界面LCD顯示器,將即時量測到的脈搏波形,依校正得到的訊號換算成血壓數值,一併顯示在LCD顯示器上。系統提供一組RS-232的連接埠,可以與個人電腦連線,將量測到的波形資料傳輸到電腦中,透過個人電腦的強大運算儲存功能,可以針對資料做後續的處理。希望未來能推廣到居家看護與臨床研究等用途。 為了確認本系統的準確性,特別與台北榮民總醫院神經內科採用的兩款量測血壓的商用儀器做血壓數值之驗證比較。另外,亦以傳統水銀式血壓計與市售電子血壓計檢驗血壓數值,本系統量測得到的血壓值接近傳統水銀式血壓計量出來的值,證實本系統的可行性。


We define a system for measuring the pulse in wrist with a air pump. Based on 30mmHg low cuff pressure to measure continuing waveform of pulse signal. After calculating the data that we get, this system can offer the blood pressure values and reach the aim of continuing monitor blood pressure of the patients. Hence, it can improve the shortcomings of traditional measuring blood pressure ways, like the time for measuring and the feeling during the measuring time. In this study, we brought out a full structure system with the characteristics of small, light and portable features. It combined a 128x64 dots graphic type LCD. This system could display the real-time pulse waveform and the calibrated blood pressure values on the display LCD. A standard industrial interface RS-232 was included in this system that could easily communicate with a personal computer. For the validation study, two major comparisons of measuring results of blood pressure values of this system and two commercial equipments used in department of neurology, Veterans General-Hospital-Taipei. In additions, the system was also compared with a sphygmomanometer and an electrical blood pressure measurement device. The performance of the developed system can have blood pressure values that close to the results of sphygmomanometer.


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