  • 學位論文

闖入現象、認知評價與因應策略 ---以921地震受害者為例

Intrusions, cognitive appraisals and coping strategies in 921 earthquake survivors

指導教授 : 李執中


摘要 本研究旨在探討Elhers與Steil(1995)的概念-「闖入現象所引發的負向評價造成了個體使用適應不良的因應策略,這些適應不良的因應策略又使闖入現象的程度增多」,以瞭解認知評價、逃避與壓抑因應策略在闖入現象的運作上所扮演的角色。本研究以問卷調查法和結構性實驗觀察法測量62位台中縣豊原市市民之闖入程度、負向評價、逃避因應策略與壓抑因應策略,並依房屋受損程度將受試者區分為受災組與非受災組。結果在相關研究中發現闖入程度分別與負向評價、壓抑因應策略及逃避因應策略具顯著正相關,負向評價與壓抑因應策略具顯著正相關,但與逃避因應策略的相關未達顯著; 又經路徑分析發現,負向評價、逃避和壓抑因應策略皆可有效預測闖入程度,但負向評價未能有效地預測逃避與壓抑因應策略。由單因子變異數分析發現受災戶組與非受災戶組在闖入程度與壓抑因應策略二變項上兩組達顯著差異,而兩組在負向評價與逃避因應策略上則無顯著差異。本研究針對這些發現進行討論。


Abstract The present study explored the assumption that negative appraisals of traumatic intrusions make individuals use inadequate coping strategies and thus increase the degree of intrusions( Elhers & Steil, 1995) to understand the role of the cognitive appraisals, avoidant coping strategies and repressed coping strategies play in the traumatic intrusions. 62 citizens were visited who live at Fong-Yuang city, Tai-Chung County. At whom the following were investigated: the degree of intrusions, negative appraisals, avoidant and repressed coping strategies by questionnaire survey and structural experimental observation. And all the Subjects were divided into two groups, which are victims or non-victims, according to the degree of psychological hurt made in the big earthquake. This study found, through correlation analysis, there was significant positive relationship between the degree of intrusions and negative appraisals, repressed and avoidant coping strategies; significant positive relationship between negative appraisals and repressed coping strategies; but insignificant between negative appraisal and avoidant coping strategies. Path analysis revealed that negative appraisals, avoidant and repressed strategies all were effective predictors of frequency of intrusions, though negative appraisals failed to be the effective predictor of avoidant and repressed strategies. Besides, One-way ANOVA revealed that there was significant difference between victim and non-victim groups in negative appraisals, avoidant and repressed strategies, though not significant in avoidant coping strategies. Both the theoretical and empirical implications of these findings were discussed.


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