  • 學位論文

企業整合電子化以推動企業流程再造之研究— 汽車產業整合ERP、SCM及CRM之個案研究

A Study of Implementing Enterprise Re-engineering by Electronic Integration- A Case of Integration of ERP,SCM and CRM of Automobile Business

指導教授 : 嚴奇峰


摘 要 進入二十一世紀資訊科技快速的發展,企業在面臨全球化競爭挑戰,除了產品價格、品質、交期及服務,同時需透過資訊科技發達,將正確的訊息提供給決策者,並能夠迅速找尋最佳經營決策。產品趨勢上已走向小批量、多樣化生產、客製化、交期短及產品週期愈來愈短服務。在生產趨勢上走向製造低成本、高品質、全球運籌供應、快速回覆顧客,滿足顧客的需求。企業如何面對以上挑戰,資訊情報迅速反應、管理階層快速採取解決對策,才能使企業在競爭環境生存及成長。 企業為了提昇競爭力,除了強化研究發展、開拓市場商機、更要從快速變動中能掌握即時、正確的資訊,提供企業更佳決策。必須藉由更新資訊系統來降低營運成本,提昇顧客滿意度,許多企業積極規劃建構新的資訊系統,希望藉由資訊系統導入,在管理作業上能夠確實獲得成效,進而大幅提昇企業的競爭優勢。 許多企業在規劃及建構資訊系統所投入許多金錢、人力、時間,往往所得到的成效,與當初預期有很大的差異。主因是許多企業在規劃新的資訊系統過程,大都是根據過去的流程來建構企業的作業流程,造成企業無法達到預期成效。汽車產業生產製造遠較一般傳統產業、高科技、塑化、鋼鐵等產業,資訊系統在規劃及建構來得複雜繁瑣。本研究個案公司,在規劃資訊系統架構,包括供應鏈管理(SCM;Supply Chain Management)資訊系統、企業資源規劃(ERP;Enterprise Resources Planning)資訊系統及顧客關係管理(CRM;Customer Relationship Management)資訊系統,已成為臺灣汽車產業的先驅者,如何將資訊系統的功能達到預期的成效,除了要教育訓練員工外,管理階層的認知更是資訊系統成功關鍵因素。 裕隆汽車公司在1993年至1995年連續三年經營發生虧損,當時面臨人事成本大幅增加、獲利快速衰退、顧客的抱怨,企業面臨生死存亡,為了求生存、徹底解決管理困難及提昇競爭力。實施三階段企業再造,第一階段企業再造於1994年至1995年實施『廠辦合一』。第二階段企業再造於1996年至1998年實施『產品差異化、品質差異化及服務差異化』。第三階段企業再造於1999年展開『優勢完整產品線、國際化、汽車相關周邊事業(即大三圓)』。期間獲得良好成效,並大幅提昇裕隆汽車公司的競爭能力。 本論文共分八章。第一章為緒論,主要介紹研究動機及背景。第二章為文獻探討,可以明確看出企業對資訊管理系統的需求有增無減。第三章為研究觀念架構及個案公司介紹。第四章至第六章,主要在說明個案公司推行供應鏈管理(SCM)、企業資源規劃(ERP)及顧客關係管理(CRM)作業。第七章為介紹個案公司三階段企業再造。第八章為結論與建議,對本論文做一總結,並訂出未來還可繼續以此模式探討的相關主題,針對每一個子題再深入的研究分析,期望能找到一完整且實用的方式,對企業界有實質的幫助。


Abreact In 2000’s, developing in I.T. rapidly. The industrial company running business in global competition not only have good cost, quality, delivery and service but also have to provide the absolutely correct information to CEOs to decide and adopt the best strategy by I.T. immediately. Marketing trend on small lot quantity, versatile production, ODM, delivering in minimum period, and the shorter product cycle. Producing trend on low cost, high quality, global logistics, quick response, and customer’s satisfaction. How do industrial companies struggle for existence and grow up? For the purpose of elevating competition, companies must grasp correct information in time and adopt the best strategy except R.D. and market expanding. Many companies plan to construe new I.T. system to elevate strategic advantage. Thus, they could lower operation cost and uplift customer satisfaction by means of valued I.T. system. There is a big effectiveness difference beyond expectation after investing money, manpower, and time in new system. This is as a result of the fact that most companies constitute new system by used operation flow and experience. Moreover, Motor industry constitute M.I.S. are more complicated than other traditional Industry, Hi-Tech industry, plastic-chemical industry and steel companies. This Motor company in this case to scheme M.I.S. such as SCM, ERP, CRM etc, became the pioneer of Motor industry in Taiwan. How could we acquire the expected effectiveness through M.I.S.? The critical success factor on M.I.S. is top managers, recognition. In addition, it is very important for employee’s training. 3 year’s business deficit from 1993 to 1995, Yulon Motor Co,. was on the brink of survival crisis. Yulon carried on 3 steps of reengineering project to revive. The 1st step was to execute ”unified all office and factory together” from 1995 to 1996. The 2nd step was to execute, differential concept on product, quality, and Service from 1997 to 1998. The 3rd one was to develop” advantageous products, Globalization, and related horizontal business (so-called 3 big circles). Therefore, Yukon’s competitive ability has been uplifting since 1994. This dissertation consists of 8 chapters. The 1st chapter is preface to introduce motive and background. The 2nd chapter is to survey literatures to identify the requirements of M.I.S. increasingly. The 3rd chapter is to research concept and structure. The 3rd chapter is case introduction. From 4 to 6 chapter, illustrating SCM, ERP, and CRM respectively. The 7th chapter is to introduce 3 steps of reengineering performance of case company. The 8th chapter is conclusion and suggestion. And figure out related topics to study and analyze further to have a help of industry.


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Chan, J. K. (2008). 供應鏈廠商工程變更資訊管理模式建立研究 – 以汽車零組件產業為例 [master's thesis, Chung Yuan Christian University]. Airiti Library. https://doi.org/10.6840/cycu200800415
