  • 學位論文

Ⅰ:順磁性材料的示範實驗 Ⅱ:九年一貫課程國一『自然與生活科技』領域有關地球科學與現階段國三地球科學新舊課程之比較研究

Ⅰ:Demonstrative Experiment of Magnetic Material Ⅱ:A Comparative Study on the First Secondary School Year's Natural Sciences & Living Technologies Course Concerning the Earth Science under the Nine-Year Systematic Curriculum and the Current Third Year Programme

指導教授 : 楊嘉喜


Ⅰ:順磁性材料的示範實驗 中文摘要 本示範實驗以自製教具的方式展示,自行組裝教具,教具材料的取得,以市售大眾化容易購得,而且廉價的商品為基準,組裝後的教具具有輕便、不佔空間、耐用攜帶方便、不受時間與空間限制等優點,隨時都能在教學或課程上操作示範實驗。待測物與磁鐵利用鐘擺方式顯示作用力,順磁性物質有非常明顯的偏離角度,示範教具是以操作簡單,又可以清晰觀測到順磁性材料被吸引的情況,所呈現出跟以往別人在教學或課程上最大的不同點,這也是本實驗最終的目標。由實驗得知此方式不能以定量來說明,只能以定性來讓學生操作驗證,此外除了一般學生認知的鐵磁性物質能被磁鐵吸著,更可進一步了解順磁性物質在巨觀角度下也能被吸到某一角度。如果拿各式樣品化合物以單位質量的作用力換算比較,其中又以鐵、錳化合物被吸著的角度有最大偏離表現,此點與其不成對電子數目多寡有關。 Ⅱ:九年一貫課程國一『自然與生活科技』領域有關地球科學與現階段國三地球科學新舊課程之比較研究 中文摘要 本研究著重於新舊課程內容之比較,以舊版國三地科與新版「自然與生活科技」教科書內容進行比較分析。依國民中小學九年一貫課程暫行綱要,「自然與生活科技」學習領域,分別以八項分段能力指標、十項基本能力指標作為內容分析的依據,再以桃園縣北區、南區國中任教「自然與生活科技」、「地球科學」之教師做訪談,綜合老師們的意見完成研究。 研究結果如下:新舊版本課程內容差異,新版著重於「運用科技與資訊」,而舊版著重於「生涯規劃與終身學習」;難易度方面新版趨於簡單,適合一般學生;舊版內容則難度較高,但有條理比較容易連貫,容易讓學生由知識、理解、應用、分析、綜合、評鑑,得到較高層次的智能,也正吻合布魯姆(Benjamin S. Bloom)認知層面的教育目標層次。


Ⅰ:Demonstrative Experiment of Magnetic Material Abstract This demonstrative experiment is conducted with self-made teaching tool. The materials therefore are those commonly sold in the market and easy to acquired as well as inexpensive. After assembly the tool shall be equipped with the benefits of light and convenient, space economy, portable and not restrained by time or space, yet can be used in teaching or for demonstration. The functioning between the test object and the magnet is manifested through pendulum swing format. The magnetic substance is invested with very conspicuous deviating angle. The teaching tool is simple to operate while clearly allow observation of the magnetic material being attracted, which is the major difference from other people’s teaching or classroom as well as the ultimate goal of this experiment. From the experiment it is derived that the method cannot be quantified, and can only be verified via students’ hands-on operation. In addition, it not only enables students to verify the common knowledge of magnetic attraction property, it further sheds light on how a magnetic substance can attracted to a certain angle in macro view. When comparing various compound specimens through unit mass functioning, iron and manganese compounds show the greatest deviating angles, which is related to the count of non-paired electrons. Ⅱ:A Comparative Study on the First Secondary School Year’s Natural Sciences & Living Technologies Course Concerning the Earth Science under the Nine-Year Systematic Curriculum and the Current Third Year Programme Abstract This study is focused on comparing the contents of the new and old course versions of the secondary school curriculum, using the old edition of third year textbook and the new edition of ‘natural sciences and living technologies’ for the comparative analysis. Predicated on the interim outline for the nine-year systematic elementary and secondary education, the course of ‘natural sciences and living technologies’ is evaluated through 8 segmented competency indices and 10 basic competency indices, in concomitant with interviewing teachers of the secondary school level ‘natural sciences and living technologies’ and ‘Earth science’ in the north and south districts of Taoyuan County. The study results are as follows: The contents of the old and new editions vary. The new one is emphatic of ‘applying technology and information’ while the old version stresses ‘career planning and lifelong learning’. In terms of degree of difficulty, the old version is more challenging, but endowed with greater logic that makes it easier to connect, allowing students to attain higher intellect through knowledge, understanding, application, analysis, incorporation and evaluation, and also matches Benjamin S. Bloom’s goal of education on the cognition aspect.


1. 郭瑞濤、林政宏等:地球科學概論。台北市,新學識文教出版中心,民國八十三年,頁354。
2. 賴耿陽譯:永久磁鐵技術實務。台南市,復漢出版社,民國七十一年,頁2~5。
3. 張霽秋:電磁學(下冊)。台北市,台灣東華書局股份有限公司,民國六十七年,頁606。
4. 吳劍秋:基礎電磁學。台北市,全華科技圖書股份有限公司,民國八十五年,頁33~34。
