  • 學位論文


Strategic fit of Competitive Strategy and Channel strategy with Marketing Channel Performance in Taiwan Digital Camera Industry

指導教授 : 呂鴻德


論文摘要 本研究旨在探討競爭策略與通路類型策略對通路績效之影響,並以數位相機產業作為研究對象,採個案深度分析的方法加以驗証,期望提出一套最佳的競爭策略與通路類型策略配合模型。 在經由相關文獻與實証研究之探討後,將競爭策略與通路類型策略兩者建構出衡量構面,並分別將競爭策略分為「成本領導策略」、「差異化策略」,通路類型策略分為「專業通路型」、「複合通路型」,另一方面在競爭策略與通路類型策略配合模型,分為四大類「成本複合型」、「差異複合型」、「差異專業型」、「成本專業型」。 本研究係以台灣數位相機行銷末端通路廠商為研究對象,共訪查9家廠商,此9家廠商來自資訊、通訊、家電、攝影、電子商務等不同領域,歸納出數點重要的命題如下: 1.競爭策略對零售通路類型策略的選擇無差異,但從通路績效的觀點而言,競爭策略若採取成本領導策略型,則零售通路類型策略採取複合型的廠商,通路績效較佳。競爭策略採取差異化策略者,則零售通路類型策略採取專業型的廠商,通路績效較佳。 2.競爭策略類型對通路績效的影響無差異,亦即競爭策略無論採取成本領導策略或差異化策略,皆可能有較佳通路績效。 3.零售通路類型策略對通路績效的影響無差異,亦即在零售通路類型策略上,無論採取專業通路型或複合通路型,皆可能有較佳的通路績效。 4.競爭策略類型與零售通路類型策略配合對通路績效的影響有差異,表現最佳依次為成本複合型>差異專業型。表現較不佳者為成本專業型,最不佳者為差異複合型。若再微觀通路績效中之各個衡量指標之相對表現,以稅前淨利率而言,表現優劣為成本複合型>差異專業型>成本專業型>差異複合型。以銷售成長率而言,成本複合型在四個類型中表現最佳。而差異專業型在毛利率、存貨週轉率兩個衡量指標上皆比成本專業型表現為佳。差異複合型在費用率、稅前淨利率兩個指標的表現,是四個類型中最不佳者。 5.廠商特性對競爭策略類型與零售通路類型策略配合對通路績效的影響有部份差異。廠商特性在影響競爭策略類型與零售通路類型策略配合的四個類型中,使得成本複合型的通路績效及通路績效中之銷售成長率、稅前淨利表現最佳。而廠商特性中之信用程度,影響競爭策略類型與零售通路類型策略配合四個類型中之成本複合型,對於通路績效中之銷售成長率有差異。


Abstracts The major subject of this thesis is focused on the strategic fit of competitive strategy and retail channel strategy. Based on the literature review and depth interview, the types of competitive strategy are divided into two types-“cost leadership strategy”, “differential strategy”, and the types of retail channel strategy are divided into two types-“professional channel strategy”, “comprehensive channel strategy”. In addition, the fit of competitive strategy and retail channel strategy are divided into four types-“cost- comprehensive” ”differention- professional” ”cost- professional” “differention- comprehensive”. Taiwan digital camera industry were the frame of sampling, 9 companies were requested to answer the questions are. These 9 companies focus on different territory, such as information technology, communication industry, consumer electronics industry, photograph industry, electronic commerce industry. The complex data are summarized as followings: 1.There is no significance between competitive strategy and retail channel strategy. But for marketing channel performance, cost-leadership strategy type company of competitive strategy, which select comprehensive channel strategy whose marketing channel performance is better than professional channel strategy type company. In addition, differentional strategy type company which select professional channel strategy whose marketing channel performance is better than comprehensive channel strategy type company. 2.There is no significance between competitive strategy and retail marketing channel performance. Both of cost leadership strategy types and differential strategy types, could reach better marketing channel performance. 3.There is no significance between retail channel strategy and marketing channel performance. Both of professional channel strategy types and comprehensive channel strategy types, could reach better marketing channel performance. 4.On marketing channel performance, cost- comprehensive types is the best one, differential-professional types is the second one, cost-professional types is the third one, differential- comprehensive types is the worst. On net profit index, the same result as above. On sales growth rate index, cost- comprehensive types is the best. On gross margin rate and inventory turn over rate indexs, differential-professional types is better than cost-professional types. On overhead rate and net profit rate indexs, differential- comprehensive types is the worst. 5.On sale growth rate and net profit rate indexs, company features influence that cost- comprehensive types is the best performance.




