  • 學位論文

國中校園空間改造行動研究之方案教學計畫 -以台北縣立樹林高中為例-

The Action Research through Teaching Project Approach on Renewal of the Campus Space of Junior High School -taking Taipei County Shulin Senior High School as an example

指導教授 : 胡寶林


摘要 本研究以台北縣立樹林高中為例,由筆者身為該校教師之便,帶領學生配合九年一貫彈性課程,做校園生活休憩及服務空間改善。研究方法為擬定教學方案計劃,藉由《藝術與人文》教學活動,以環境觀察、環境探索、投影片播放、製作圖表、作業單、繪圖、製作模型以及實地佈置等方式刺激互動,並記錄意見,建立設計模式,反映學生需求,做成結論。俾能一方面獲得環境教育覺醒;另一方面目的在行動研究的精神下示範九年一貫《藝術與人文》領域的方案教學之可能性。 學校建築環境研究領域中,較少受到重視的是學生的生活休憩與服務空間領域;由此可顯示以學生為主體的校園空間觀點,如:生活休憩的需求、服務設施的滿意程度未受到應有的關注。本研究針對休憩與服務空間兩項加以探討,基於以下認知假設:一、學生對校園空間之主觀需求與教育成果密切相關。假如以學業的低成就來理解許多國中學童的個體發展,彼等在正式教學空間(如教室)的被動、消極、毫無樂趣與發展機會等應是可以理解和預期的學生身心反應;然而對非教學空間(如操場、校園、合作社)的相對主動、積極與期待,卻成為學生校園生活的重心與出路。(註一)基於身心平衡、情緒處理與個性發展為宗旨,學校能否提供適切的生活休憩空間也就更顯意義重大。二、服務設施雖然種類眾多,然而其重要性不容忽視。其中如:廁所、保健室、更衣間(若有)是基於生理與衛生保健而設,且必要求達到一定的功能水平,否則將對學生構成健康上的危害;又如車棚為學生寄放自行車的服務空間,也是學生在學校裡僅有的可炫耀個人形象的所在,所以學生也很重視它,經常去查看自己的車子有沒有「狀況」,也經常在這裡起爭執,聚眾滋事等;三、這兩類空間對學生有切身關係,故較易發展出學生之主動性參設計與行為;再者,在探討學生與校園環境之關係中,由公共事務與校園民主生活的觀點切入,則學生對環境的感知可引導至校園事務參與,而環境創造可深化民主社會生活能力的培養,以實踐中小學九年一貫新課程中將學科知識轉化為生活能力的目標。 主要研究結果發現:學童對校園環境的確存有許多期待;學校應本乎參與式設計精神,讓師生參與各種校園環境改造,並提供機會發展《藝術與人文》學習融入實質空間教育的統整的教學計畫,藉以培養學生對校園環境的關懷與認同感,提升學童的環境知覺與環境美感判斷的敏銳度,強調知行合一的真實知能學習,實踐學科知識轉化為生活能力的教學目標。面對教育改革,教師又需具有自身批判意識的覺醒,覺知到「學校」作為一個民主社會的公共領域,應建構為一個提供眾人進行辯論、對話與意見交換的地方。故此,應塑造支持個人自由的社會正義情境,以培養學生成為兼具批判能力與公民勇氣,可在民主社會中主動負起責任的公民。


This research is conducted in Taipei County Shulin Senior High School. As one of the teaching staff of this school, the author takes this school as an example and leads the students to do the researches on the improvement of leisure-activity spaces and service spaces of the campus in accordance with the new Grade 1-9 Curriculum. The method put to use here is drawing up teaching-plan projects and putting them into practice in the teaching activities of the Arts and Humanities Field, during which the environments are alertly observed and explored, the slides shown, the charts, the learning sheets, the pictures, as well as the models made, and the spaces virtually decorated so that students can highly interact with each other through a series of activities; meanwhile, the students’ opinions are recorded, the models designed by the students established, the students’ real needs reflected, and a concrete conclusion is made in the end. On one hand, I hope this paper can arouse some public consciousness of the importance of the environmental education. On the other hand, the purpose of this paper is to set an example, animated by the spirits of the action research, for those who want to adopt the Project Approach in class teaching activities of the Arts and Humanities field of Grade 1-9 Curriculum In the research field of school-building environments, the studies on the leisure-activity space and service space, for instance, have always gained less stress, from which it reveals that, in the viewpoint of student-centered campus space, the students’ needs for the leisure-activity space and service space in the campus haven’t obtained considerable and deserving recognition among the public. Therefore, this paper focuses on the researches in the leisure-activity space and service space, building upon the full cognition of the following three interrelated concepts. First, the students’ subjective needs for the campus space have close relations with the results of education. That is, in analyzing the causes of the under-average academic performance of the junior high school students so as to perceive their individual development, we can get an inevitable outcome that for the students, in the teaching spaces, like the classroom, their passive, sluggish, and uninterested attitudes toward leaning can be highly comprehended and anticipated as a result of their reactions of the bodies and minds to the environments; by contrast, their active, energetic, and enthusiastic involvement in the non-teaching spaces , such as the sports ground, the snacks bar, and the bicycle-parking shed, can become their daily major concerns in their school life. Actually, whether the targets of education can be achieved or not, such as the equal balance of the bodies and minds, the effective control of the emotions , and the proper cultivation of the character, inseparably and intimately connects with whether the school can provide sufficient and satisfactory space for leisure activities with students. Second, the school offers a wide variety of facilities ,whose importance can not be over emphasized, and such facilities as the toilets, the health center, and the change room, are constructed to meet the students’ needs for sanitation and privacy; accordingly all of them must reach the standard level with regard to their functions, otherwise it may pose great danger to students’ health. For instance, the bicycle shed is the service space for the students to park their bicycles. It’s also the only place for the students to convey their self-image. Therefore, students think highly of it and often go there to check whether their bicycle is all right; that’s why some quarrels or fights often occur in there. Third, since these two spaces are a matter of students’ great concerns, it is much easier to motivate them to participate in the collaborative teaching and designing activities. Moreover, when exploring the close relations between the students and the campus environments in light of public affairs and democracy in their campus life, for one thing, we can expand their cognitive learning from the campus environments into their active involvement in the campus affairs; for another, their participation in the renewal of the environments can strengthen their living ability in the democratic society. Meanwhile, one of the main targets of the Grade 1-9 Curriculum, turning the students’ knowledge acquired from the textbooks into living abilities, can be achieved through these collaborative teaching activities. The results of these researches reveal that students cherish great expectations of their campus environments. That is why schools need to offer enough chances for the teachers and students to participate in the improvement and transformation of the campus environments on the spirits of participatory design. In addition, they should also provide opportunities to broaden students’ learning in the Arts and Humanities field merged into integrated-curriculum projects of spaces education with a view to cultivating the students’ concern and the sense of identification with the campus environments, promoting the students’ sensations of the environments and the keen appreciation of the beauty of the environments, putting an emphasis on learning the principles of “perceiving something and carrying it out in daily life,” and also reaching the teaching targets of transforming the textbook knowledge into daily-life abilities. In the face of educational reformation, teachers not only have to possess the self-evaluation abilities, conscious of the fact that “the school” used as the public place in the democratic society should be established as a place where the public can debate, converse, and exchange opinions with each other. Therefore, the school is to model into the situations of supporting individual freedom and social justice in order that students can acquire the capabilities of appreciation and judgment. As a result, students as a member of the democratic society can shoulder their responsibilities on their own initiative.




劉仁傑(2016)。參與式設計應用於景觀設計教學之研究 —以中原大學景觀學系「大樹教室」課程為例〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/cycu201600650
