  • 學位論文


A Study on the Service Function for Websites of Real Estate in Taiwan

指導教授 : 許通安


隨著網際網路的發達,越來越多的房屋仲介業者,紛紛開始架設自屬的公司網站,增加房屋商品的曝光機會,以求增加成交的機會;而部份網路業者亦看好市場這塊大餅,成為網路房屋仲介服務業者。在此種熱絡的情況下,本研究企圖透過線上的服務功能分析來探討:「台灣地區房屋仲介網站功能的總體表現為何?」,以及「不同屬性的房屋仲介網站,是否會對於目標客群提出特別的服務,來滿足消費者的需求?」。 本研究屬於探索性研究,首先,利用「內容分析法」來探討台灣地區房屋仲介網站的功能現況;並進一步針對不同屬性的房屋仲介網站各種服務功能,進行差異性檢定與相關分析;最後,再透過「深度訪談」及資料分析,來探索不同屬性的房屋仲介網站所重視的服務功能緣由。 本研究結果發現:(1)目前台灣地區的房屋仲介網站仍以仲介交易的直營型網站為主要市場,虛擬型的網站提供功能不及實體型的網站;(2)大多數的網站對於利用網際網路來從事媒體活動,已經有基本的認識,提供的產品資訊仍僅限於標的物本身,對於週邊環境介紹仍顯不足;(3)目前台灣地區的房屋仲介網站,普遍而言,並沒有針對於消費者的特性與需求,提出適當建議的服務功能;(4)對於網站會員的經營以及社群的建立機制,目前尚未有此方面的運作;(5)對於如何利用資訊科技,來充實網站的內容與互動性,以成為另一個銷售的管道,仍明顯的不足。


As Internet service is widely available and imbues with myriad information, real estate agencies are seeking to exploit the advantages of Internet technology to increase opportunity to match deals and exposures. Not only real estate agencies are having high expectation of internet e-commerce as well as Internet Service Providers (ISPs) who are seeking the opportunity to have a share of booming market as a service provider to real estate agencies. The aim of this research is to study:“What is the overall outcome of Internet-based real estate brokerage in Taiwan?” And “How specific that a web based real estate brokerage can provide their service to targeted user groups and fulfilled respective needs.” This research will be conducted in exploration-study manner, first of all, the “content analysis” method will be utility to obtain the overall functionality of respective sites and follows by the analysis of benchmarking respective sites; finally an in-depth interview and analysis of collected data to conclude the objective of respective and its rationales. This research found:(1)Primary market of majority of web-based real estate agencies in Taiwan is in form of direct-sale brokerage; As for the form of hosting sites, virtual hosting server are less efficient than in-house hosting.(2)Most of the web-based real estate agencies are aware of utilizes Internet as form of media for publicity however; the contents are limited to specific property itself. The surrounding of the property is often overlooked.(3)Lack of sufficient advisory information to users pertaining to the particular property.(4)Lack of functionality of registered user’ management and specific forums to adopt the real-time dissemination of sales information.(5)Lack of practice of adopting interaction functionality as cannel of sale to increase publicity.


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陳俊成(2012)。應用模糊知識本體建置線上房仲代理人 系統〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/cycu201200715
