  • 學位論文


A Case Study for Managing Strategies of A New Children’s Language Cram School

指導教授 : 王孔政 黃惠民


摘要 本研究主要在探索一新設兒童美語補習班的成立、加盟、招生及經營管理等過程。因新設補習班,欠缺經營管理技術與經驗,導致諸多缺失, 例如:立案與規劃上的延宕、招生不足、服務不良、教學成效不佳、學生流失率高等情況,無法獲得顧客的信賴,因而使得補習班的經營績效低落。 研究者透過觀察整理經營資源如加盟體系資源、顧客需求分析、補習班營運資源等制定經營策略。其主要策略有採用“廣告媒體組合”來加強招生行銷、“加盟體系資源”來縮短經營學習期、“要因分析”找出經營改善方案等,以提高補習班經營績效。 因為研究案例的經營策略牽涉多層面,本研究的問題陳述及探討也由多種角度切入。而本研究內容及解決方案,也盡量採適用的範圍來探討以精簡內容。其內容暨結果概述如下:一、新設補習班應評估設置地點、市場潛力、投資報酬率、並合法申請立案。在規劃上應注意裝潢隔間、防火設施、建物安全符合政府立案要求;二、加盟美語連鎖補習班,充分利用加盟總部的技術轉移可縮短創業者經營的學習摸索時間,快速到達穩定時期,但是相對的得付出較高的經營成本;三、廣告是拓展招生的利器,充分的利用經濟有效的“廣告組合”中普遍到達原則及重覆到達原則,經由全國及地區的廣告活動,以達到廣告的廣度及深度;四、服務行銷:藉由內部行銷、互動行銷及外部行銷將公司的產品(即無形的服務)提供給顧客,由滿意的顧客創造公司的成長;五、案例分析:從要因分析圖找出補習班經營的不利因素,提出改善方案,藉改善活動而增加招生數、降低流失率等,而提昇補習班整體經營績效。並歸納繪製一改善流程圖,供閱讀者易於了解本案例之研究及問題解決架構。


Abstract This research will explore the whole process of how to start, franchise, and manage a children’s language cram school. As a new cram school is started, problems from all sides arise. Lack of experience and some vital techniques may directly lead to low enrollment, and even more a failure to attract investment. This study will focus on enhancing the overall performance of a new school in hope of making a profit in a fiercely competitive environment. By incorporating good management skills with the resources provided by the franchiser, a new school may well be on its way to generating huge profits. This study includes several important managing strategies such as media mix and franchising system. Media mix can be used to enhance marketability. A franchising system will help shorten the learning period of a new company. Furthermore, a diagram of cause and effect is also included in this study. By analyzing this diagram a beginner can easily find a proposal to improve its business. The conclusions of this study are as follows: 1. To start a new cram school we need to consider the location, market potential, profitability and license application. The layout of the cram school is necessary to focus on decoration, fire prevention, and building safety to meet the government requirements of a cram school. 2. For franchisers of English schools to get more from the teaching and management resources of the franchise which can shorten the learning period of a school. But the owner needs to pay a higher cost for running a franchisee school. 3. Advertising is a good tool for student enrollment. Adopting a budget focusing on media mix will allow for extensive and repetitive advertising coverage, which is aimed at developing a wide and deep coverage, essential for high enrollment. 4. Internal, interactive and external marketing are essential to promote the services provided by the company, and increase the company’s growth through customer satisfaction. 5. A case study to find and correct any weakness in management through the analysis of the cause and effect diagram, in order to improve the company’s service performance and create growth due to satisfied customers. The result of this will be an improvement flow chart for newcomers to refer.


Cram school Enrollment Service Quality


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祁遠帆(2007)。臺灣地區兒童美語補習教育市場經營競爭策略形成 之研究-以G教育集團為例〔碩士論文,淡江大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6846/TKU.2007.00784
