  • 學位論文

以設計評核為導向的新產品開發模式之建立 --以電腦資訊產業為例.

Establish A Design Review Model for New Product Development --Information and Communication Technology Property as Examples

指導教授 : 顧志遠


摘 要 企業的永續經營與發展,均是透過高效率的新產品開發體系和制度,來培育自身獨特的競爭力,故新產品開發是企業為創造價值所採行的重要策略之一。如今在面對快速變化與動態的環境之下,國內企業在產品交期、降低成本及提昇產能方面必須不斷的持續改善,以維持良好的競爭力及廣大的市場佔有率。企業亦唯有以積極的創新精神,不斷研發新的技術、開發新的產品、提高產品的附加價值,才能為企業創造更高的價值。 在新產品開發的過程中,設計團隊所設計出來的產品規格、品質是否符合生產的可製造性、可測試性以及售後服務性;須透過專業的程序設計,針對新產品的設計加以評核,依團隊其他成員的專業判斷,針對不符合需求部份立即作修正,使新產品量產後,達到提昇產品良率與生產力及方便售後服務之目的。產品開發透過產品設計評核之結果,可以讓設計團隊瞭解其設計是否有偏差,並進一步利用其結果來釐定未來的努力方向。 本研究以新產品開發為主要構面,結合了產品設計評核模式,希望藉由簡單的模式,將複雜的新產品開發相關因素予以單純化,以提供產業界作為新產品開發的策略性思考工具。本研究並以個案討論方式,建立實證電腦公司的新產品開發模式的作法,來分析評估此一模式的周延性。經由個案的分析探討,本研究可以歸納下述幾點結論與建議: 1.本研究所提出的新產品開發模式,以下工程認知價值成 為新產品開發的一項衡量的指標,使新產品開發成為 追求卓越的動力。 2.藉助個案的研究,本研究提出對新產品開發的設計評 核模式,可協助設計者面對新產品開發設計方向,作出 正確的的決策。 3.後續研究可進一步研究新產品開發與設計評核模式之 中各個變數,以探討各種新產品開發形式所可能帶來 的企業價值。




ABSTRACT Business permanent operation and development are relied on excellent efficiency of system and organization for new products researches to raise their remarkable competitency. And the new product development is one of the major strategies for creating their business value. In current quickly changed and dynamic environment, to keep on superior competitency and market share, most domestic companies have to constantly improve their goods delivery schedule, cost reduction and production capability. To create higher enterprise value, only needs to have enthusiastic creating spirit, unceasing research and development, and advancing added value. In the progress of new products development, the design team must be careful of their designed specification and quality conforming with the manufacturability、testability and after sales serviceability. With the professional design progress, new products can be verified and unqualified parts can be corrected immediately, these can help to achieve satisfied yield rate on mass production and also bring the convenience after sales service. The result of design review for new developed products enable the design team to realize if there is any deviation and take further efforts. The purpose of this study was to simplify the complicated factors in new products development by integrating with the design criticism model, hence providing industrial circles an implement for strategy deliberation. This proposed model was tested across individual cases discussion - setting up real certificated development models in specified computer companies to analyze the comprehensiveness. The conclusions of this research are summarized and suggested as below: 1.The addressed new product developing model was measured by project acknowledgement value as an index for the next process to recognize value, to enhance development being the power of pursuing excellence. 2.The addressed new design review model is significantly helpful for designer to make appropriate policy decision. 3.The following-up research is considerable for innovated type development and design review models, to verify every new product for any possible value-added business.




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