  • 學位論文

室內環境之美學因素與美感反應關係之研究 :以住宅客廳為例

The Relationship between Aesthetic Factors and Aesthetic Responses in Indoor Environments: Using Living Room as an Example

指導教授 : 莊修田


環境美學為實證美學和環境心理學的綜合學科,是以科學方法來探究實質環境中的物理因素的刺激與人們的美感反應之間的關係。這種關係會因為個人屬性與實質環境的不同而產生變化。而若能對這種關係的性質加以了解,對設計規劃上將有極大的助益,使設計師能對人類的生活品質更有貢獻。目前國外相關之環境美學研究已有相當豐碩的成果,但著眼於室內環境領域的相關研究仍不多。因此本研究試圖對室內環境環境美學進行探究,以住宅客廳為研究案例,針對148名受測者,以33張實驗照片為題項,進行網路問卷調查。調查內容包括美學因素中的比例與尺度 、形狀與造型、繁複性 、秩序性、色彩、空間感、材質、光線、新穎性與原創性以及風格共十項,與美感反應之愉悅感程度、喚起感程度、支配感程度及喜好評價共四項之間的關係。研究結果發現: · 不同屬性(性別、年齡、教育程度、教育背景)之受測者,在各種美學因素之室內客廳空間中,因環境而產生的愉悅感、喚起感及支配感等情緒反應程度,以及對空間的喜好評價,在部分照片之中,確實會有顯著之差異。 · 受測者因室內客廳空間而產生的愉悅感、喚起感及支配感等情緒反應程度以及對某空間喜好評價,與室內環境中包含的美學因素,部分會有顯著之關聯。 · 受測者因空間而產生的愉悅感、喚起感及支配感等情緒反應程度,與受測者對空間的喜好評價,經過關聯性分析之後,結果呼應Russell的理論,發現四者之間的確有顯著之關聯。 · 經由因素分析之主成分分析過程,可將實驗照片分為11種室內客廳空間類型。其中喜好評價最高的客廳空間類型為「引景入室」,其次為「大面窗戶採光,具休閒風」,以及「溫暖木質,居家風格」。喜好評價最低的客廳空間類型為「色彩鮮豔,具有圓弧造型」,其次為「採光不佳」。 · 美學因素之中空間感的寬敞,採光良好,以及具有風格三項美學因素,對一般大眾是否會產生喜歡某客廳空間的影響較大﹔形狀與造型是否怪異及色彩搭配是否適當,對一般大眾是否會產生不喜歡某室內空間的影響則較大。


Environmental aesthetics represents the merging of two areas: empirical aesthetics and environmental psychology. Both areas use scientific methodologies to help explain the relationship between physical stimuli and human’s aesthetic response. With knowledge of the relationship between properties of the physical environment and human affect, design professionals can better plan and design, and may contribute to enhancing the quality of life. Although the study of environmental aesthetics has been very popular and has many valuable results in some other countries today, it is still at the beginning stage in Taiwan, especially in the interior design field. Therefore this study is trying to do the preliminary research of the indoor environmental aesthetics. Using living room as an example, 148 people answered the questionnaire by viewing 33 photos online. The questionnaire contains 10 aesthetic factors, which are proportion and scale, shape, complexity, order, color, spaciousness, material, illumination, novelty, and style, and 4 aesthetic responses, which are pleasure, arousal, dominance, and the affective appraisal. The study results are as below: · Gender, age, and education background would be apparently diverse in aesthetic responses because of the different aesthetic factors in the living room photos. · People would have apparent correlation in the degree of pleasure, arousal and dominance, and affective appraisal between living room photos, which contain different aesthetic factors. · The degree of pleasure, arousal and dominance, and affective appraisal effected by the aesthetic factors in indoor environments are positively related to each other. · 11 living room types among 33 testing photos can be found by doing the principal component analysis. The type with the highest affective appraisal would be the living room with nature view. The type with the lowest affective appraisal would be the living room with strong colors and curve and round shapes. · This study found that spaciousness, illumination and style would be the main aesthetic factors to influence people’s affective appraisal if they like an indoor environment. On the other hand, shape and color would be the main aesthetic factors to influence people’s affective appraisal if they dislike an indoor environment.


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