  • 學位論文


Collusion, Corporate Governance and Incentive Contract: An Application of Game Theory

指導教授 : 吳博欽


「公司治理」(corporate governance)為近年來炙手可熱之議題,其所欲探討的根本問題有二,其一為「資訊不對稱」(asymmetric information)問題,其二為「權益代理」(equity agency)問題。而隨著企業舞弊案如雪球般愈滾愈大,國內政府為解決上述問題,首推財政部證期會於2002年2月19日宣布從該年度起初次申請上市上櫃公司,都要聘請2席獨立董事與1席獨立監察人,以增強監理機制功能,顯示證期會對於改善權益代理問題的重視。然而若以香港證交所實施的獨立董事制度之經驗來看,其預期增強公司治理的功能倍受質疑。另外,再以之前發生的美國安隆和世界通訊事件為例,其董事會結構表面上看來亦相當具備獨立性和專業性,卻仍陸續出現公司治理的弊病。有鑑於此,對於我國財政部證期會落實獨立董監事制度的設立是否可以有效地解決權益代理問題,是值得關注的主題。 由於台灣現存之董事會營運結構及監理功能備受考驗,且「權益代理問題」是否能在「獨立董監事」法令設立下而得以改善,亦備受質疑。基於上述考量,本文首先嘗試利用賽局理論(game theory)模型,以探討大股東、小股東和獨立董監事三者彼此對奕的情況,並推導出由於大股東和獨立董監事之間存在勾結誘因,造成權益代理問題可能無法在設立獨立董監事和健全董事會營運結構下而得以解決。本文假設現實生活中存在兩種截然不同的獨立董監事(分別為誠實型和勾結型),且考量兩種誘因契約(分別為單一政策和自我選擇政策),並於不同狀態下試圖解決存在於大股東和獨立董監事的勾結行為。 根據模型推導得知,在無勾結行為下,可達到最佳均衡解(fist best equilibrium);反之,在可能存在勾結的情況下則否。當大股東與獨立董監事確定勾結時,均衡政策為次佳的防止勾結政策,此時須藉由降低修改利己性收益或在投資案通過繼續執行後,發放股票股利給大股東(提升其持股比率)加以解決。而當獨立董監事的類型無法得知時,則可利用自我選擇政策的誘因契約或單一政策的誘因契約而加以解決。在自我選擇政策的誘因契約情況下,分別探討「最適防止勾結契約」和「最適非防止勾結契約」的內涵。結果發現,上述兩項政策均衡時存在顯著的差異,但究竟最適均衡契約為何,必須視勾結機率相當大(趨近於1)或相當小(趨近於0)而決定。當勾結機率趨近於0時,獨立董監事的最適政策將趨近於最佳均衡政策;而當勾結機率趨近於1時,最適政策將趨近於防止勾結政策。最後,在提供單一政策的誘因契約下,為應付誠實型與勾結型兩種不同的獨立董監事,非防止勾結的單一政策和標準次佳防止勾結政策將被選擇性的提供,其中在非防止勾結的單一政策下,除非勾結機率為0,否則大股東的預期效用隨勾結機率的變動而呈現嚴格遞減現象。


Because independent-director system can’t elaborate it’s supervise function completely in Taiwan, this paper try to use game theory model to explain this phenomenon and infer that there exist collusive incentive between interior-director and independent-director. We consider two incentive contract (there are single policy and self-selection policy), and under different condition to solve the collusive behaviors. Following the model we set, in the no-collusion condition, there exist first best equilibrium; in the other world, in the collusion condition there doesn’t exist first best equilibrium. When interior director and independent director exist collusion, the equilibrium policy is the second-best collusion-proof policy and we can solve the collusion condition increase provide stock dividends to interior director. When the type of independent director is uncertainty, we can use incentive contracts of self-selection policy or single policy to solve. In the incentive contract of self-selection policy condition, we have to discuss the both case, they are “optimal collusion-proof contract” and “optimal non-collusion-proof contract”. We find that upon two policies are different, and however what is the optimal equilibrium contract, we have to see collusion probability is large (approximate one) or small (approximate zero). Finally, in the incentive contract of single policy, because there exist honesty and collusion two type independent director,we have to choose between non-collusion-proof single policy and standard second-best collusion-proof policy. We find that under the single policy of non-collusion-proof contract, the expected utility of interior director appear strictly decreasing with collusion probability unless collusion probability is zero.


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